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Wexford Area , NE: Wexford East  Subarea
Feature count in area: 14, all in Wexford, OSI/LPS Maps: 61, 62, 68, 69, 76, 77, EW-B, EW-B, EW-B2
Highest Place: Slieveboy 420m

Starting Places (16) in area Wexford:
Askamore Cemetery, Ballymore Wood, Clone Strand, Clonegal, Coolmelagh Forest CP, Cummer Wood South, Gibbet Hill West, Mary Neal's Spout, Mount St Benedict's School, R746 Half Way House, Scroughmore Cross W, Slieveboy NE, Slieveboy SE, St John's Church, Tarahill House, Vinegar Hill

Summits & other features in area Wexford:
N: Bunclody: Kilmichael Hill 269.3m
N: Bunclody : Gibbet Hill 315m, Kilcullen Hill 218m, Slieveboy 420m
N: Enniscorthy  : Oulart Hill 179m, Vinegar Hill 116.6m
NE: Wexford East : Carrigroe Hill 232m, Tara Hill 253m
S: Wexford South: Bree Hill 179m, Camaross Hill 181m, Forth Mountain 237m
SW: New Ross Hills : Carrickbyrne Hill 233m, Lacken Hill 193m, Slievecoiltia 268.5m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Carrigroe Hill, 232m Hill An Charraig Rua A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
An Charraig Rua [], 'the red rock’, Wexford County in Leinster province, in Binnion Lists, Carrigroe Hill is the 1334th highest place in Ireland.
Grid Reference T09293 49766, OS 1:50k mapsheet 69
Place visited by: 31 members, recently by: MartaD, Pepe, loftyobrien, Mark_Devlin, simoburn, JoHeaney, liz50, thomas_g, danielb, chalky, jlk, eamonoc, Trailtrekker, Fergalh, paddyhillsbagger
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -6.38811, Latitude: 52.588612, Easting: 309293, Northing: 149766, Prominence: 217m,  Isolation: 8.2km, Has trig pillar
ITM: 709220 649812
Bedrock type: Felsic volcanics, (Campile Formation)
Notes on name: Carrigroe is a small hill eight miles inland from the sea, which commands a widespread view of the coastal plain between Courtown and Wexford Harbour and looks westward over the pleasant countryside surrounding Ferns… On the last Sunday of July, known as Fraughan Sunday, people went to the hill to pick berries... On top of the hill is a cleft rock called the Giant's Bed (Máire MacNeill, 'The Festival of Lughnasa', p. 229).
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: CrgrHl, 10 char: CrgrHil

Gallery for Carrigroe Hill (An Charraig Rua) and surrounds
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Member Comments for Carrigroe Hill (An Charraig Rua)

   picture about Carrigroe Hill (An Charraig Rua)
Picture: Limestone cliffs of Carrigroe Hill.
Easy walk but no summit views.
by simon3 9 May 2010
Access and parking is from BlyMor Wd (T09521 50139) where perhaps half a dozen cars can park and you can walk up a forest road. Keep left at the first small and next larger junction A (T0942 5001) in the forest roads. Follow the forest road until it stops then take a well trodden foot path through the trees. This will bring you progressively nearer. When you are about 140m away (SE of the top) you should see a small sign for "Walk 1" - this takes you on a less defined steeply rising track mostly through mature trees.
The top doesn't have much of a view from the trig pillar.
Much of the wooded summit area and slopes leading up to it such as the west have been harvested and replanted. However the ground is, as of 2010, covered by briers and furze which is extremely difficult to push through. Stick to roads and paths which are perfectly feasible. A local man told me that there is a walk right around the summit and certainly there is an apparent continuation of the path to the summit leading NW which presumably joins up with forest roads.
The exposed rock on Carrigroe is some form of limestone.
Scene of rebel activity in the rebellion of 1798, an attack launched from here was one of the occasions that the rebels were initially successful. Linkback:
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   picture about Carrigroe Hill (An Charraig Rua)
Picture: Carrigroe Trig Pillar
A quick Stroll in Wexford Hills.
by Dessie1 26 Apr 2011
Walked Carrigroe on Easter Sunday.Approached from carpark area BlyMor Wd (T09521 50139) and followed sweeping track until it came to a junction.Take the smaller track to the left which will bring you through some forestry with white marks sprayed on the trees to guide you to the hidden summit with trig pillar. No views at the summit as it surrounded by trees but nice views on route to top.30 mins up and down no problem. Linkback:
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   picture about Carrigroe Hill (An Charraig Rua)
Picture: Which way?
Looking for a sign!
by eamonoc 7 Jan 2014
Ascended Carrigroe on Thursday 2/01/2014. Started at BlyMor Wd (T09521 50139), followed Dessie1`s excellent directions into the forest and saw a green sign with 1 on it. I followed in the direction it pointed towards into a lovely wooded area, easily negoitated between the mature trees and was looking for the white markers. I could spot none so after about two minutes walking I headed steeply uphill towards a large Limestone boulder and I spotted another Green sign with the number three on it sitting in a hollow of a tree. I kept going uphill and eventually came out into a small cllearing where I was able to follow the faint traces of a path to the Trig point. Retraced my steps back to the tree with Green sign 1 on it and found another broken sign with the number two on it. Even without the signs the route to the summit is fairly straighforward. Linkback:
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MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.