Climbed Mullaghcroy as part of a 20 mile route from the Ulster - American Folk Park to Newtownstewart via Bessy Bell. Had intended to use the track from point
A (H333 805) (beside the Hall), but had dandered passed it whilst thinking of other things, so I accessed the hill via the lane way at
F (H335 816). There is a new build in the field by the lane now, which has placed their dogs and kennels beside the lane. These would be the kind of dogs you would not want to meet alone on dark night or even in your local high street on Saturday afternoon, fluffy and cuddly they were not but they were chained up to their kennels.
After a short distance there is a fork, I went straight ahead, hacking my way through wind bush then over and around fallen trees, sightings of Red Squirrels enlivened another wise tedious session of bush whacking. Luckily after this there is plenty of room to walk between the trees and reach the summit quickly. There is a small fire break or possibly an old path running north to south over the summit, which also has a strange structure, perhaps an old television arial for some nearby farm.
I decided to follow this firebreak north towards Mullagh in the hope it would meet a track shown on the map there, at the edge of the forest there is a fence to cross and a short distance across the field I picked up the track and met the farmer & his son working there. Had a pleasant chat with them before continuing on my way.
I would recommend trying the first lane, from the hall (grid ref above), rather than the route i took, given the new build, its dogs and the over grown nature of the first section. The firebreak may indeed run all the way down to the other track, then again it might be just as overgrown and blocked by fallen trees as my way of ascent, good luck!
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