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Sperrin Mountains Area , SW: Newtownstewart Hills Subarea
Feature count in area: 64, by county: Derry: 34, Tyrone: 39, of which 9 are in both Derry and Tyrone, OSI/LPS Maps: 12, 13, 6, 7, 8
Highest Place: Sawel 678m

Starting Places (21) in area Sperrin Mountains:
Altinure Road, Banagher Glen Nature Reserve, Barnes Gap Car Park, Crocknakin, Drumnaspar Picnic CP, Glenchiel Road, Glenedra Bridge, Glenelly Road, Parkreagh, Goles Road, Lough Ouske, Moneyneany Village, Moydamlaght Forest, Moydamlaght Road, Mullaghmore, Mullaghbane, Spaltindoagh, Sperrin Hamlet, Sperrin Heritage Centre, Sperrin Heritage Centre W, Sperrin Road, Barnes Top, Sperrin Road, Glashagh Bridge, Sperrin Road, Sperrin

Summits & other features in area Sperrin Mountains:
E: Magherafelt Hills: Slieve Gallion NE Top 493.6m
E: Magherafelt Hills: Slieve Gallion 526.6m
N: Claudy Hills: Crockdooish 321m, Curradrolan Hill 270m, Eglish 277m, Letterlogher 249m, Mullaghmeash Hill 244m, Slieveboy 259m, Straid Hill 303m
NE Cen: Glenelly North East: Barnes Top 456m, Craigagh Hill 460m, Crockbrack 526.1m, Knockanbane Mountain 441m, Meenard Mountain 620m, Meenard Mtn W Top 480m, Mullaghaneany 627m, Mullaghash 480m, Mullaghsallagh 485m, Oughtmore 569m, Spelhoagh 568m
NE: Glenshane North: Benbradagh 465m, Boviel Top 454m, Carn Hill 448m, Carntogher 464m, Moneyoran Hill 414m
NE: Glenshane South: Bohilbreaga 478m, Coolnasillagh Mountain 423m, Corick Mountain 430m, Crockalougha 407m, Mullaghmore 550m, White Mountain 537m
NW Cen: Glenelly North West: Dart Mountain 619m, Dart Mountain North-West Top 525m, Learmount Mountain 489m, Learmount Mountain South Top 492m, Mullaghasturrakeen 581m, Mullaghcarbatagh 517m, Mullaghclogha 635m, Mullaghclogher 572m, Mullaghdoo 568m, Sawel 678m
NW: Maheramason Hills: Clondermot Hill 220m, Gortmonly Hill 218m, Slievekirk 370m
SE Cen: Glenelly South East: Carnanelly 562m, Carnanelly West Top 503.4m, Mullaghbane 467m, Mullaghturk 416m
SE: Cookstown Hills: Cregganconroe 300m, Fir Mountain 362m, Oughtmore 382m
SW Cen: Glenelly South West: Clogherny Top 408m, Craignamaddy 385m, Crocknamoghil 335m, Mullaghbolig 442m, Spaltindoagh 420m
SW: Mullaghcarn: Curraghchosaly Mountain 416m, Mullaghcarn 542m, Mullaghcarn South Top 525m
SW: Newtownstewart Hills: Bessy Bell 420m, Mullaghcroy 242m
W: Strabane: Balix Hill 403m, Knockavoe 296m, Owenreagh Hill 400m

Note: this list of places may include island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Mullaghcroy, 242m Hill Mullach Crua A name in Irish,
Place Rating ..
(Ir. Mullach Crua [OSNB*], 'hard summit ' ), Tyrone County in Ulster province, in Binnion Lists, Mullaghcroy is the 1301th highest place in Ireland. Mullaghcroy is the most westerly summit in the Sperrin Mountains area.
Grid Reference H33000 81900, OS 1:50k mapsheet 12
Place visited by: 24 members, recently by: ronanmckee, eflanaga, Claybird007, wintersmick, trostanite, LorraineG60, MichaelG55, dregish, Fergalh, eamonoc, eejaymm, Ulsterpooka, Aidy, neelix_tdog, Peter Walker
I visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member for this.)
Longitude: -7.489141, Latitude: 54.684088, Easting: 233000, Northing: 381900, Prominence: 176m,  Isolation: 6.1km
ITM: 632942 881893
Bedrock type: Psammite & semipelite, (Dungiven Formation)
Notes on name: Forster's Mountain is an area on the northern shoulder of Mullaghcroy.
  Short or GPS IDs, 6 char: Mlg242, 10 char: Mulaghcroy

Gallery for Mullaghcroy (Mullach Crua) and surrounds
Summary for Mullaghcroy (Mullach Crua): The irascible final fling of the Sperrins
Summary created by Peter Walker 01 Apr, 2013
   picture about Mullaghcroy (Mullach Crua)
Picture: Mullaghcroy from the approach
Mullaghcroy is the last western hurrah of the Sperrins before the lowlands of the Lough Derg basin take shape, and in keeping with much of the rest of the range it is slightly annoying but undeniably charismatic. The hill bears witness to varying stages of forestry, and the felled upper slopes (now totally denuded of trees as of April 2013) faintly resemble the aftermath of a comet strike.

Start at (A (H333 805)) ('Hall' on the Discovery Series map) where there is room for several cars. Follow the slightly overgrown lane in a north-westerly direction, staying on it for roughly a kilometre until the unmistakable felled-but-not-levelled higher stretches open out on the right. From here one should make your own way north-east to the summit (marked by a conspicuous bit of metal scaffolding). This will turn out to be easy or semi-frustrating depending on luck; most of the ground yields easily but some of the decaying vegetation is awkward and some of the benign-looking bog turns out to be rather deeper than expected (terrain that my dog did not enjoy at all). From the summit the views are of lowlands and lesser hills, but at least the absence of trees allows them to be enjoyed in all directions.
Member Comments for Mullaghcroy (Mullach Crua)

   picture about Mullaghcroy (Mullach Crua)
Picture: Mullaghcroy Summit area
Climb it because it's there
by Harry Goodman 6 Sep 2010
On Wed 11 Aug 2010 I approached my fourth Sperrins top of the day and the last on my Sperrins list with a little apprehension having read three5four0's comments of April 2009 but I should not have worried. I started from the track beside the Hall identified by three5four0 (but not taken by him) where there was plenty of parking space B (H33353 80567) and yes three5four0, having read your less than happy experiences on your alternative route, you should have started from here. From start to finish it was plain sailing, or should I say walking, all the way up and down the hill. Although the track was somewhat overgrown it was easy to follow and very passable. While stony at first, further along through (or over) a gate, it became a grassy ride which near its end swung around to the right up through the trees to become a good stone track at the start of a large clear felled area C (H32614 81497). Just before this cleared area was the only obstacle of the walk, a number of felled or fallen trees across the track. To get around these I simply moved a little to the right into the standing trees and was able to pass them quite easily. Once past them at the start of the clear felled area I turned right and followed the edge of the tree line up to the top some 500 metres away. Apart from a few minor dips in the slope and one area of very boggy ground the walk up to the summit area was very easy going. The top was adorned by a high rusted metal tower, which was possibly once used as a forestry lookout tower. This was at D (H32971 81806) and still some 75 metres short of the MV listed top. In view of this I continued on out over the tree stumps to the MV reference point at E (H33004 81880). In my view the metal tower stands on slightly higher ground but as is often the case in the Sperrins it would be difficult to be precise as to where the actual high point is and I leave it to someone with very accurate measuring equipment to decide. Suffice it to say I am satisfied, having been up there, I have stood on the high point of Mullaghcroy. Down was by way of ascent and a total distance of 3.7k all done and dusted within an hour of easy walking. This is not a hill to be climbed for widespread panoramas as views are restricted to the NW and limited at that, rather it is one more likely to be climbed by a MV peak bagger or as in my case to complete my list of Sperrins tops. Linkback:
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three5four0 on Mullaghcroy
by three5four0 7 Apr 2009
Climbed Mullaghcroy as part of a 20 mile route from the Ulster - American Folk Park to Newtownstewart via Bessy Bell. Had intended to use the track from point A (H333 805) (beside the Hall), but had dandered passed it whilst thinking of other things, so I accessed the hill via the lane way at F (H335 816). There is a new build in the field by the lane now, which has placed their dogs and kennels beside the lane. These would be the kind of dogs you would not want to meet alone on dark night or even in your local high street on Saturday afternoon, fluffy and cuddly they were not but they were chained up to their kennels.

After a short distance there is a fork, I went straight ahead, hacking my way through wind bush then over and around fallen trees, sightings of Red Squirrels enlivened another wise tedious session of bush whacking. Luckily after this there is plenty of room to walk between the trees and reach the summit quickly. There is a small fire break or possibly an old path running north to south over the summit, which also has a strange structure, perhaps an old television arial for some nearby farm.

I decided to follow this firebreak north towards Mullagh in the hope it would meet a track shown on the map there, at the edge of the forest there is a fence to cross and a short distance across the field I picked up the track and met the farmer & his son working there. Had a pleasant chat with them before continuing on my way.

I would recommend trying the first lane, from the hall (grid ref above), rather than the route i took, given the new build, its dogs and the over grown nature of the first section. The firebreak may indeed run all the way down to the other track, then again it might be just as overgrown and blocked by fallen trees as my way of ascent, good luck! Linkback:
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   picture about Mullaghcroy (Mullach Crua)
Picture: Post-apocalyptic landscape
Messy Hilltop
by Aidy 8 Apr 2014
From the Drumquin Castlederg road, I turned off on to the Drumlegah Church Road, continued on through the village of Drumlegah, straight through the next crossroads, until eventually taking a left on to the Cavandarragh Road. A couple of hundred metres along this road I found a grass verge large enough to park on. Five minutes up a couple of fields took me took the summit area, recently cleared off trees, and as a result looking a bit post-apocalypic. The summit itself is around the fire tower. Views are good in all directions, although the weather had turned very murky when I was there. The summit area was covered in the tracks of red deer, common in the area from the nearby Baronscourt Estate. You could be up and down in 10 minutes so worth a visit if in the area. Linkback:
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