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MacGillycuddy's Reeks Area   Cen: Reeks West Subarea
Place count in area: 29, OSI/LPS Maps: 78, EW-KNP, EW-R 
Highest place:
Carrauntoohil, 1038.6m
Maximum height for area: 1038.6 metres,     Maximum prominence for area: 1038.6 metres,

Note: this list of places includes island features such as summits, but not islands as such.
Rating graphic.
Carrauntoohil Mountain Corrán Tuathail A name in Irish (Ir. Corrán Tuathail [GE], 'Tuathal's sickle' [OSNB]) County Highpoint of Kerry in Munster Province, in County Highpoint, Arderin, Vandeleur-Lynam, Irish Highest Hundred, Irish 900s Lists, Purple sandstone & siltstone Bedrock

Height: 1,038.6m OS 1:50k Mapsheet: 78 Grid Reference: V80363 84421
Place visited by 2051 members. Recently by: colinpurcell, PatrickMongey, Bob-the-juggler, Aidan_Ennis, AnthonyJ, CusackMargaret, RonanS, mehiking, DarrenY, Gavsmi33, jeb, Zenny, Leatra, Petecal423, bowler
I have visited this place: NO (You need to be a logged-in member to change this.)

Longitude: -9.742693, Latitude: 51.99945 , Easting: 80363, Northing: 84421 Prominence: 1038.59m,  Isolation: 0.4km,   Has trig pillar
ITM: 480339 584480,   GPS IDs, 6 char: Crnthl, 10 char: Crnthl
Bedrock type: Purple sandstone & siltstone, (Ballinskelligs Sandstone Formation)

Just as the summit of Ireland's highest mountain is often covered in mist, its name is shrouded in uncertainty. Unlike some lesser peaks, such as Mangerton or Croagh Patrick, it is not mentioned in any surviving early Irish texts. P.W. Joyce suggests that meaning of this name is 'inverted reaping hook' and that this sense can be appreciated from the middle of the Hag's Glen. He proposes that the reaping hook is inverted in the sense that it is convex rather than concave [Irish Names of Places, vol. i, p. 6]. The serrated ridges which run up the north face of Carrauntoohil are certainly amongst its most distinctive features and are therefore likely to have given name to the mountain. However, the image of a 'convex reaping-hook' is a very odd and complex one on which to base a place-name, and the use of tuathal to mean inverted, while found in dictionaries, seems to be without parallel in other Irish place-names. It seems more likely that the second element is simply the personal name 'Tuathal' as John O'Donovan believed. This forename was common in Medieval Ireland and is the basis of the surname Ó Tuathail (O'Toole). It also occurs in Lios Tuathail (Listowel, Co. Kerry) and Carraig Thuathail (Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork), which the Flanagans interpret in both cases as a personal name (Irish Place Names). Intriguigingly, one of the earliest accounts to mention Ireland's highest mountain, written by Isaac Weld in 1812, refers to it as 'Gheraun-tuel', which suggests that the first element was not corrán, but rather géarán, 'fang', which is found in the name of several other Kerry mountains. On the basis of this one reference, it is difficult to say whether this represents an earlier form of the name or whether it was a corruption. For further information on the name, see Paul Tempan, Some Notes on the Names of Six Kerry Mountains, JKAHS, ser. 2, vol. v (2005), 5-19.   Carrauntoohil is the highest mountain in Ireland. Carrauntoohil is the highest point in county Kerry.

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Picture: Carrauntoohil from Knockbrinnae
Ireland’s highest – a steep-sided rocky cone in the western Reeks.
Short Summary created by markmjcampion, simon3, Harry Goodman  16 Aug 2023
Carrauntoohil when tackled by the recommended routes on a fine day is not the hardest or most dangerous hike. However, in bad weather it’s not always easy to find the routes as they are unmarked and easily lost amid rocks. So, best avoid it in those conditions. Also, the Devil’s Ladder is v eroded and is not recommended. Great 360 views. Be v careful in descending in mist.

N. Park at V836 873 starA (charge) or at Lisleibane V82716 87317 starB (free). Follow a good track SW then across the Gaddagh River and on up between L. Gouragh and L. Callee towards the Devil's Ladder. At V81175 84079 starC take a ramp left up to the start of the Zig Zags V81477 84088 starD. Take the winding track to the plateau V81240 83396 starE. Turn right to cross Cnoc na Toinne and head to the col at V80679 83650. Go NW up the rocky cone following cairns along a good track to the top. [2.5 to 3 hrs]

W. Park at V772 871 starF and go up the steep Hydro Road to L. Iochtair. Go S and then SE up the long spur to Caher W Top, Caher and its 3rd top before dropping down SE and then E for a superb walk around the head of Coomloughra Glen. Follow a track on the right of the ridge E and then NE to the summit. [3hrs+] Return by way of ascent or if you’re ok with exposure return by way of Beenkeragh arete and then Skregmore, Cnoc Iochtair, L. Iochtair and the Hydro Road.

It's also possible to do all the reeks from Kate Kearney’s to Breanlee if you’ve a spare 10 hrs.

Notable tracks incl track/2580, track/2946 track/2304 and track/4370. Linkback: Picture about mountain Carrauntoohil (<i>Corrán Tuathail</i>) in area MacGillycuddy
Picture: Carrauntoohil - August 2024
A Busy Station
by omurchu  22 Aug 2024
Made the annual visit to Carrauntoohil summit this August ascending via the Heavenly Gates. I prefer my walks to be as people free as possible so being out of my comfort zone, so to speak, I had the tae and legged it sharpish for Knockbrinnea. Took this picture just below Beenkeragh. Linkback:
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Picture: Brocken Spectre from Summit of Carrauntoohil, (18th January, 2020 at 14:07)
Brocken Spectre
by Lauranna  31 May 2020
Brocken Spectre from Summit of Carrauntoohil in Winter Conditions Linkback:
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Picture: View from Lough Eighter
High times
by pplsgod  30 Jun 2010
I took on Carrauntoohil on the 25th June 2010 leading a group from the UK who were doing the five peaks challenge and attempting to do so within forty eight hours. I had never been up here before but I never let that stop me from exploring new horizons. Amongst the group of six walkers I was the only one with map and compass skills so I decided on a route via Caher as I have heard the Devils ladder route has become quite badly eroded in recent times. I also had some selfish reasons in choosing this route as I wanted to tick a few more peaks off my list at the same time

We started at V 772 871 starF at the gate to the Hydro track. This track has a steep and punishing start having just jumped out of the car but it quickly warms the legs. Mercifully after maybe ten minutes of walking the track levels off as it turns South at approx V 777 868 starG. The track continues with Skregbeg (573m) and Skregmore (848m) on your left hand side before opening up at Lough Eighter and revealing the full view of Beenkeragh, Carrauntoohil and Caher (assuming the weather is clear that is)

After another hop over a locked gate we crossed a flat marshy section of ground before climbing onto the spur that would lead us directly up Caher. We got onto the spur at approx V 776 857 starH before following it south-east all the way to Caher West top at V 789 840 starI. The last 500m of the spur is steep but thankfully the ground is quite good so progress should not be hindered. By the time we got to the first of the three Caher summits we were dipping in and out of the clouds. The fall away from the West top when heading for Caher in the clouds can be a little worrying if unsure of your bearings so care is definitely needed. The best approach would be to keep well to the right, we were fortunate however, just as I took a safe bearing the cloud cleared just enough for me to get an eyeshot of our target, a small gap in the wall, which seemed to settle the nerves of my fellow hikers

The walk to Caher from the West top is quick, a small amount of uphill climbing remains before the third highest summit in Ireland at 1 metre above 1000m. The small cairn at V 792 838 starJ is all that marks the top and as we were under some time pressure we did not hand around long either

Crossing the Caher ridge to Carrauntoohil was fantastic, some of the scenery that magically appeared from the cloud was breathtaking. There is a very noticeable track that leads across the ridge which makes navigation a lot easier. We were practically on the summit before we could see the cross marking it at V 803 844 starK, the cloud and wind had really picked up during the intervening time, so much so that we only took a few moments to take a few pictures and took off via the same route home. It was a very respectable five and a half hour round trip and a good start to the five peaks challenge for the other guys
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lewvalton on Carrauntoohil, 2008
by lewvalton  7 Jan 2008
Ridge up to Beenkeragh starting behind the great pillar of the Hag's Tooth (guide books we had call it the Hag's Tooth ridge) is a superb scramble. Go up to it via the steep grassy gully up to the right of the Tooth's base. Arete is longer and somewhat more testing than Brandon's Faha ridge, though perhaps slighly less exposed, but still overall within the same band of difficulty (for scramblers familiar with the UK grades it's a moderate Grade 2). The upper section breaks into two distinct ridges - we took the left hand one. More sustained scrambling here, though again not difficult. Views across to Carrauntoohil and back down to the Hag's Tooth are absolutely stupendous. Beenkeragh ridge to Carrauntoohil is much easier, though exposed if you choose to skyline it, and has all difficulties avoidable by path on the right until the large pinnacle towards the end. To skyline it is not as hard as it looks, otherwise is avoidable at mid height on the left (Coomloughra) flank. Again, works out much easier than first appears. Simple walk up to the summit from there. Magnificent views. Unlike mountains in, say, the Lake District, the great Kerry peaks rise in relative isolation unhemmed by other groups and the views, with the sea so near, are incredibly extensive - you really feel as if you're on the roof of the world. Descent via the hugely eroded Devil's Ladder truly awful. Book suggested 'The Bone' as better alternative. Couldn't be worse.

Why are the Reeks not part of the Killarney National Park? Linkback:
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milo on Carrauntoohil, 2002
by milo  29 Jul 2002
In about 12 ascents I've never used the Devil's Ladder. Reduce erosion damage by opting for one of the many safe alternatives. Linkback:
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(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
(Creative Commons Licence), a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2400 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints etc