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The Summit

MountainViews newsletter for guestuser

Dec 2020


  International PIC OF THE MONTH

NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST, MIDLANDS, BRITAIN Route ideas and places to go.

Improvements to website and data. More subareas for Mournes, Dublin, Wicklow. Mapping trial.

AranFawddwy An ascent of Aran Fawddwy in Wales (Bala to Welshpool Area,The Arans Subarea)

Three videos featured this month from gerrym and ToughSoles.


MOUNTAINVIEWS: Hillwalkers' Events

  • Friday, 1st January 2021. Hillwalking Day - Ireland

    Group walking on Achill
    For those whose booze intake still allows them to ambulate in a straight line, there will be few better ways to spend 1st January 2021 than taking part in Hillwalking Day - Ireland. This is an event created to celebrate hillwalking activities for groups and individuals...'how fortunate we are to have found the mountains' indeed. Use social media to flag up your exploits with the hashtag #HillwalkingDay. See you out there (if I've avoided the Paps of Jura malt the night before) and here's hoping it ushers in a much more extensive year on the hills than the one that will have just departed.

    More formally:
    "If you love hill-walking, what better way to make to share that with the rest of the World than participating in a day designated to celebrate that activity. Clubs and guides are invited to organise their own activity on the day. They can be as creative as they like and put their own stamp on what they think might attract new members/clients; or enhance the activity for existing members/clients. They're in control of their own hill-walking destiny.

    They could, for example

    - Do something that you wouldn't normally do, like a sunset, night or sunrise walk
    - Go somewhere that you don't normally go, like a stand alone mountain that otherwise doesn't interest you
    - Set yourself a target for the year and start on that day
    - Bring a friend with you that keeps saying 'I must go out with you sometime ...'
    - Show someone how to correctly use a map and compass (or ViewRanger/ GPS)
    - Walk with a FB 'Friend' (or two) that you've never met

    ....the list can go on."

    " I had to decide what I was going to do, and what I was going to be. I was standing there, waiting for someone to do something, till I realised the person I was waiting for was myself."

    Markus Zusak

 Picture of the month

This view of Shannavara is from south of Maam Cross
For original comment, click here.

Photo: markmjcampion

 International Picture of the Month

View from Maesglase near Cadair Idris
Orderly sheep.
For original comment, click here.

Photo: Fergalh

In short: Discovery

Featured Track of the Month
The Bridia Wore Black
This month's selection sees conormcbandon dealing with the current access issues in the Black Valley by tackling Broaghnabinnia from the Bridia Valley to the west. That's just the start of a challenging itinerary that leads onto the main Reeks ridge, summits Carrauntoohil and culminates with three rarely visited lesser tops. A lot of ascent in a relatively short distance.
conormcbandon on The Bridia and Black Valleys
Main walk Start: 08:02, End: 19:10, Duration: 11h 7m, Length: 22.7km, Ascent: 2372m, Descent: 2387m
Places: Start at V78332 81525, Broaghnabinnia, Brassel Mountain, Cnoc an Chuillinn, Cnoc na Toinne, Carrauntoohil, Caher, Beann Dhearg, Beann Bhán, Beann Dubh, end at V77698 81496 635m W from Start (statistics such as Ascent or Length etc should be regarded as approximate. Duration depends on the speed of the person making the track)

Leaving my car near the stepping stone, I set out eastwards along the Kerry way and climbed the west facing nose of Broughnabinnia. It was a slow long climb hand railing the fence. I left the fence at one point to my detriment following an easier option that turned out far less simple. I also lost my sunglasses at some point on the nose when I was shedding layers, so if anyone finds them.....

The summit of Broughnabinnia afforded fantastic views in all directions. Descending eastwards I made the decision to downclimb the gully which is shown as the rift slightly to the left in my third photo looking back at Broghnabinnia. My second photo below shows the top of the gully looking into the Black valley and the gentle south facing slopes of Brassel, my next stop. I chose this down climb to avoid access issues that have been reported here via the Lough Reagh route, my original route choice when planning this. Looking backwards there appear to be better grassy ramps on the east of Broughnabinnia than my my slow difficult down climb through the gully.

That was the hard part of the day over! After the descent I crossed the river at a low point and up the slopes of Brassel, summited and the onwards to summit the ridge proper. Again to emphasize the crowding of Carrauntohill and the relative loneliness of it's neighbours I met only one person the whole day aside from the strip between the top of the zig zags and Caher and he was ascending Caher via the Kerry way to the west. That said I'm not without sin as I felt the urge to pop up to Ireland's summit as I was passing.

NORTH: An easy bag
Ouley Hill in the Belfast Hills is a very simple and easy little top, says Carolyn105, who snapped a flock of birds aflight over inverted cloud.
Carolyn105 on Ouley Hill:
This is a very quick simple tick. Lovely views on a clear day. Followed the advice below and couldn't go wrong ... Click here ...

NORTH: Night watch
A simple climb up the wee Slievenaslat in the Mournes is given an added twist by Carolyn105 - by bagging it in the dark.
Carolyn105 on Slievenaslat:
Very lovely pleasant wee walk trig on top is impressive. Lights all around at night time is great. Parked in main carpark ... Click here ...

WEST: Short and sweet
An easy ascent of the diminutive Lettercallow in Galway rewards with fine Atlantic and Galway Bay views, writes markmjcampion.
markmjcampion on Lettercallow, (Leitir Calaidh):
I cycled over from Bealdangan and left the bike at L87799 29716, just after a couple of bungalows. It was only when i started walking that i spotted that you can also head off from the nearby, obvious concrete water tank where there is room for a few cars. I headed directly for the summit over pleasant terrain of flat rock and bog. It was all commonage with no fences to contend with and it took ab ... ... Click here ...

WEST: Model T Fjord
Competing with the visual and hillwalking appeal of Mweelrea on the other side of Killary Harbour is a tall order, and unsurprisingly Binn Mhor fails to rise to the challenge (although it's still fairly prominent). Such limitations notwithstanding, it provided markwallace with an involving couple of hours over rough and boggy ground with plenty of opportunities for leisurely (and probably rather lonely)
markwallace on Rambling around Binn Mhor/Letterettrin
I parked by the north shore of Lough Fee. There are a few small laybys along this stretch for parking. Better yet, there| walk, Len: 7.2km, Climb: 432m, Area: Leitir Eitreann, Twelve Bens (Ireland) L ... Click here ...

WEST: Time to stop and smell the flowers
The oh-so-tiny Lehid (53m) in Galway is a little treasure thanks to the abundance of wildflowers of all sorts, writes markmycampion.
markmjcampion on Lehid, (Leithead):
I headed up here on a fine September day and was well rewarded for such an inconsequential bump in the landscape! There was a rich variety of wildflowers interspersed with rock and grass and the view from the top was pleasant too. I chained the bike to a post at L58035 45344 (plenty of space to park on the common ground here too) and walked southwards up the side track, through a semi-erect gate ... ... Click here ...

WEST: The low road
Rinavore in Partry/Joyce country can be part of a quiet and chilled out low-level circuit taking in the likes of Taobh Dubh, Culóg and Binn Idir an Dá Log, reports markmjcampion.
markmjcampion on Rinavore, (Roighne Mhór):
I parked at the same place as Sandman and headed west up the farm track for 200 m and, after crossing a minor bridge, I struck out left for the obvious line of rocky outcrops. From there I headed up a steepish but comfortable incline and was at the summit point in no time at all. It was nice to see all the other lower hills I had done recently stacked up one behind the other...Taobh Dubh, Culóg an ... ... Click here ...

WEST: A low, boggy hill with sweeping views
Despite the presence of a windfarm and squelchy going underfoot, the ascent of Cloghermore in South Connemara rewarded with stunning scenery, writes markmycampion.
markmjcampion on Cloghermore:
I did this as a leg stretcher during an 80k cycle and enjoyed the 30 mins or so despite the underfoot squelch. It was a clear day and as Sandman hinted I was not disappointed. Views to the south and southwest were stunning and there are also a couple of nice lakes in the region...just don't face east (walking backwards down the hill might help here) and wear ear plugs and you'll avoid the blot on ... ... Click here ...

Featured summit comment
Life, the Universe and Everything

In a brief description of a day climbing Bengower (& Benlettery) in county Galway, magnumpig's Nov 23rd post evokes one of those days when you've enjoyed yourself so much you descend with a tiny regret at not staying up there longer and doing more. We've all had glorious days like that. Feeling that way gives a bittersweet taste. If magnumpig's super accompanying photo is anything to go by, it's easy to understand why anyone would want to stay up there longer. And no wonder that day out sparked such an evocative title for a post: "Love in the Time of Covid" - a title to give us all hope that soon these days will pass and there'll be better times ahead when we'll be free to roam the mountains to our heart's content again.

Climbed Bengower on 21st November 2020, via Benlettery, and that's the peak that can be seen in the picture - taken from Bengower peak. It was a spectacular day and I regret not advancing to Benbreen rather than doubling back to my car via Benglenisky. Oh well, next time. Spectacular views in all directions, especially towards Roundstone.

Photo: Magnumpig, Ridge to Corranbinnia from West of Summit

SOUTH: Fine peak with promontory fort
An updated short summary on Caherconree in Kerry by markmjcampion, who tells of a fine grassy peak with extensive panoramas and an ancient promontory fort.
group on Caherconree, (Cathair Conraoi):
Caherconree is the last big peak on the Slieve Mish ridgeline before it tails down to the sea near Inch. It's noted for its extensive views looking W to Beenoskee and SW to Iveragh and the fine valleys on either side as well as the promontory fort high on its SW spur. W. Park at Q71597 05585 and follow the marked path E up the valley and onto the ridge veering left to the impressive promontory fo ... ... Click here ...

SOUTH: A rocky peak overlooking remote valleys
Knockowen in the Cahas is a fine, rocky summit presenting challenging ledges and undulations to circumvent, writes markmjcampion in an updated summary.
group on Knockowen, (Cnoc Eoghain):
Knockowen is one of the highest Caha peaks and lies about 2.5 km NE of the Healy Pass. There's much undulating ground with many rocky ledges either to circumvent or to incorporate into a hike. It's the door to some very remote terrain between the Healy and Caha Passes. SW. From the south west, park at V78640 53567 where there is room for 3 cars. If the shop is closed parking is also possible at V ... ... Click here ...

EAST: 2-4-6-8 Motorway (not)
Glenmalure is the longest valley in Wicklow, and in its higher reaches is surrounded by high, relatively popular hills. But further down the walls rise slightly lower but doubtless quieter, and it is here where simon3 chose to visit. His track takes in the Mountains of Kirikee and Carriglineen, and he found some excellent and proportionate views of the higher summits and some recently felled ground that needs careful negotiation.
Onzy on Cycle: Circuit of Carlingford Lough
Distance was 58k of which 4k was on a ferry - actual cycling time around 3 hours .... sometimes walking is too slow...| cycle, Len: 2.8km, Climb: 197m, Area: Cooley/Gullion (Ireland) ... Click here ...

EAST: A typically rounded, boggy Wicklow summit.
Although over 700m high, Gravale lacks much excitement although views to the south towards Laragh and Mullaghcleevaun make the effort worthwhile, says simon3.
group on Gravale, (Droibhéal):
Although comparitively high, Gravale lacks much excitement although views particularly to the south towards Laragh and SW towards Mullaghcleevaun are worthwhile. NE. From the NE park near the Sally Gap (O13040 10971). Ascend Carrigvore by heading a couple of hundred metres down the road to the NW, all the time keeping an eye out for a fairly obvious track to the left. After summiting Carrigvore d ... ... Click here ...

EAST: All The Aliteration
Under the current Covid restrictions the Dublin mountains have become the most explored on the island of Ireland even more so than would be the case under normal circumstances. Suitably enboldened to sally forth, simon3 continues to attempt to locate the new in what should almost certainly be the crushingly familiar, and on this occasion his trip over Two AND Three Rock Mountain has uncovered stunt mountain biking (his nearest and dearest will be praying this doesn't give him flashbacks, or even worse 'ideas'), oversize meat products and a potentially uneasy juxtaposition of walkers, runners, bikers and equestrianism.
simon3 on Balcony walk, Brunch, Burnt ascent, Brimful with people and Bewitching Blues
Making the best of the Covid induced focus on the nearer Dublin Mountains, we set off from Ballyedmonduff Road one Satur| walk, Len: 10.3km, Climb: 434m, Area: Two Rock Mountain, Dublin/Wicklow (Irela ... Click here ...

MIDLANDS: Ireland's Heart
ceadeile has spent an unusual couple of hours being guided (for a charge, and it's the only way to gain access unless you care not for the wishes of the farmer or their pair of spectacular-looking bulls) around the Midland eminence of Uisneach. For that charge you get a slightly Easter Island-esque representation of Ériu, a glacial erratic that is reputedly the centre of Ireland and it seems like a good time was had by all.
ceadeile on The Hill of Uisneach
Photo of Information board located at visitor centre On 5th September 2020 I had the good luck and good sense to spend a| walk, Len: 3.4km, Climb: 112m, Area: Uisneach, North Midlands (Ireland) Uisne ... Click here ...

Special Note
Peter Walker says: Worthy of special note this month are the endeavours and travails of fergalh, who has written up a substantial chunk of the substantial chunk of English and Welsh tops that he has visited (in addition to having climbed more listed MV Irish summits than anyone else). It seems almost arbitrary to pick any out, but as an expat Englishman myself it was nice to see him discovering the Staffordshire Grit triptych of Ramshaw, The Roaches and Hen Cloud (below), as well as the astonishing tower of The Old Man of Mow (a definite contender for the hardest inland summit in Britain if it had just a few more metres of prominence and below. We may be an Irish website but we all have to go on our holidays sometime (just not in 2020, obviously) ... BRITAIN: Striking shaped rock
Fergal's pic of what must be one of the unusual but natural tops to a hill anywhere.
Fergalh on Old Man of Mow:
Park in the village of Mow Cop at Mow Cop in walk down Castle street to Right of way sign post. Follow track and round corner is the old Man. Truly Remarkable natural feature. Trig pillar is behind the old man on brow of hill ... Click here ...

BRITAIN: NW English climbers haunt
Although only just over 400m this hill offers scrambling and a place for climbers. Hen Cloud as a name? Well it probably is often misty. Perhaps a corruption of Hen Crowd? (Only joking, I don't suppose it was historically much of place for Hen Parties)
Fergalh on Hen Cloud:
Park to west on road and follow track to top Some minor scrambling here to reach unmarked summit with impressive cliffs. A lot of climbers here climbing the rock face. Chatted to a few and told it is one of the more popular places for rock climbing in North West. ... Click here ...

BRITAIN: Another unusual top.
Proving that English hills can be just as eccentric as Irish, take a look at this summit ornament.
Fergalh on Nine Barrow Down:
Parked to North West near T Junction and walked through woods along right of way. Eventually you arrive on pasture ridge and follow this east until you come to the large tanker which is the summit. ... Click here ...

Sorry if we didn't mention what you posted .. there's a list of all contributors for recent month(s) later.

A place for those interested in Challenge Walking

Short note from Gerard Sheehy: "Registration for the Fei Sheehy Challenge - 2021 opened 10th November and it's nearly full already. Should still be a few places left by the time you publish."
Click here for the Challenge Walk Calendar to remember what we will be getting back to.


The Annual 2020

View the 2020 ANNUAL

We put out our call for contributions for the Annual in early Jan 2020. We got a great response with eventually 36 articles of various sorts coming in. As a community we can be proud of this response.

Next year's Annual.

OK, -- NOW is the time to be thinking about articles for our Annual. We do want to lift ourselves out of the Covid gloom and think about what we can do next year.

We will consider any topics of interest to hillwalkers. For example articles on what we did under lockdown, Challenge Walking (both organised and individual), Way Walking (ie walking Way Marked Ways), Summiteering, Family Walking, Gear, Flora & Fauna, Holiday Walking, Scrambling, Coastal or Island walking, things you may see on the hills etc are all welcome as are new ideas. We welcome articles from people who are starting out hillwalking, or experienced or professionals etc.

If you are thinking of contributing or would like to discuss topics etc get in touch.


Volunteering for 2020: Strengthening the MountainViews Committee

Currently we have a number of officers on the committee such as chairperson, secretary etc. We really could use some further committee members to achieve our strategic goals and spread the load.
Position In Brief
Ordinary members For those taking an interest in the MV committee or indeed committees in general we can also use some further "regular" committee members without a specific role. There are many smaller quite finite projects that might suit regular members.
Publicity MountainViews is a great resource based on over 1300 people's contributions over 18 years. Great that is if you have heard of it. And that's where we could use some practical publicity help.
The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth Quite apart from programmers, MV's progress can also use help from people who can really follow through on tasks like creating lists, checking stats, researching place names or geology. Whether on the committee or not we value such people's contributions.

Contact us at admin -at-

The MountainViews ANNUAL, brought out in 2020.

We published the annual in Feb 2020, before Covid hit us.
60 pages in 13 Articles about walking on hills, mountains and islands here and abroad.

The ANNUAL  (Please save and read in a PDF viewer.) (Hi-res version.)

(Obtain PRINTED VERSION - Euro 16)


Videos this month:

From the days when he had no sign of a moustache, MV user gerrym enjoys an easy Sperrins circuit
Carl and Ellie from Tough Soles look back on their remarkable journey around Ireland's marked trails
From the days when he was growing his moustache, MV user gerrym bivouacs in the High Mournes

Videography by Peter Walker.

Aran Fawddwy from the South -- Fergal Hingerty

Aran Fawddwy from the South, Visited January 2015

ED You may find it easiest to follow this magnificent ridge route using one of the map layers available at /summit/B2083/

I parked in Dinas Mawddwy and walked north up road  until I reached the sign for Abercywarch, I ignored this and took the next turn and after 500 metres turned up a steep track up hill until I reached 420 metres. Then I headed for the high spot on the tree line Creigiau Dwyfron. Great views to be had from here of the valley below and then I headed back to the track. Eventually it ran out and I continued on to Pen yr Allt Uchaf followed by Pen yr Allt Uchaf, Waun Goch and Gwaun Lydan in quick succession as the snow fell on and off and the snow on the ground got deeper and deeper.

Aran in sight.

From the summit of Gwaun Lydan (621 Metres) the steep slope westwards leading up to Drysgol was in evidence, only a little over 100 metres but with darkening clouds that made it seem much higher.


A long pull up to that summit and I than headed over to the first sign of cliffs at Drws Bach. There is a memorial here to a RAF man killed by lightning at this spot in the Second World War a bleak place if ever there was one.

Map of the ridge.

The fog gets a little worse as the snow falls on and off as I moved a sharp turn to the North West. Some short scrambles over rocks and a steep slope leads up to Aran Fawddwy Isaf and finally to a complete Ice covered cairn and finally the high point a trig Pillar at Aran Fawddwy (905 Metres). Total Fog and snow falling means there was no point in lingering so I headed down after a short time at the summit of Aran Fawddwy.

Aran in sight.

Care is need on the steep icy descent to the south and eventually the snow gets less and less untill I reach around 500 metres where it disappears completely. Finally the sun makes an appearance at last…a pity it was not in the sky when I was at the top of Aran Fawddwy!  The summits of Waun Camddwr Isaf and Waun Camddwr Uchaf are soon traversed and shortly afterwards I arrive at Gwaun Yr Lwyni from where the views across to the cliffs of Drysgol and Drws Bach are wonderful.

Pen Yr Allt Uchaf

On a summers day the summits of Glasgwm, Y Gribin and Foel Benddin can be done as a longer Horseshoe but with light declining and more snow forecast it was time to head down. At Creigiau Camddwr there is a track down from the plateau above through rocks to the valley floor below. That is followed by a 3 Km walk to Abercywarch along the narrow road and a further one Km to Dinas Mawddwy where a well earned pint in The Red lion Pub awaited. The total walk is around 24 Km with an ascent of around 1100 metres a wonderful walk at any time winter or summer.

Further notes.

Aran Fawddwy is the 17th highest in Wales and the only  900 metre mountains outside of Snowdownia in Wales.. There are numerous places to stay within 30 minutes of Dinas Madawy where I started from. Including Bala, Dolgellau, Barmouth and Machynlieth to name just a few. It is on the west side of Wales roughly one hours drive south from Betws Y Coed.


To Climb Aran Fawddwy there are also alternative linear routes from the North and West, which are both close to Bala . The Map used for this climb is OS 125, the walk itself would compare very easily to Mweelrea via Ben Lugmore with similar height gain and difficulty in places. The area is like most of the area between Snowdownia and Mid Wales a mixture of Rock and heather so not too much wet bog in essence.

-- Fergal Hingerty.

A place for those interested in Summiteering, Bagging, Highpointing, visiting islands and coastal places.

A Guide to Ireland's Mountain Summits - The Vandeleur-Lynams & The Arderins
MountainViews first book available online and in some bookshops. The first reprint with numerous minor amendments is available.

Purchase from here.

simon3 on A Guide to Irelands Mountain Summits
MountainViews first book available online and in many bookshops.

As members will know, for over a decade, has been providing unique information to hillwalkers on all aspects of exploring and enjoying Ireland's upland areas. It's been a collaborative effort by over 1000 of you, and currently contains over 6000 comments on 1057 mountains and hills on the island of Ireland ... ... Click here ...
Bulk sales to groups such as Scouts/ Guides: contact for a discounted price.


Subareas being generated.

Above is a diagram of the subdivision of the Mournes into subareas. This is part of our bid to make the description of Irish mountain areas more granular. Bit of a mouthful that, so here's an example.
If you know the area and have suggestions, please do comment. For small changes, propose them for the summit(s) in question using the Propose Places Database Change | Names website feature. For large changes get in touch with admin -at- Nothing is irreversible.
The website is indebted to two volunteers: melohara and FergusMcGee, for the considerable work required to research and organise the summits into logical subareas.
Dublin and Wicklow have also been subdivided recently.

Mapping Experiment.

MountainViews has made use of a lot of mapping on the website since the system was redeveloped in 2012. However for various reasons such as the need for a mobile version and for various technical reasons a move is needed to newer methods of mapping.
As part of this effort we have been researching new ways of presenting maps. One trial has been to see if we could represent all of the tracks that MV members have put up in an area.

Above is what the trial revealed. We are learning the value of this sort of display. At a quick first take but it makes an interesting view of how people get to the Reeks.
A new volunteer Tim Redfern, is assisting with mapping. Temporarily, this link allows you to play with this type of mapping. See how people move around your local areas. (You need to zoom in to see the tracks) Suggestions welcome.

Arderins Photos Wanted

Last month we mentioned that MV has agreed with MI (through its Hillwalking Committee) to promote the Arderins as the headline list of Irish mountains. We are looking for good photos for use in promoting them. Pictures usually need to show the mountain in the middle distance, in good weather. The Arderin(s) depicted may be only an Arderin or an Arderin / Vandeleur-Lynam.

This month.
Kudos to our contributors.

We welcome the following new members who enrolled recently adam.mann, Aedin, Afraic, aidinho, Alanjm, Alexandra37, Amelia1, aramicon, Barbaraduff, Batts, Bbonnar, Bencass, BernieMurray, BillLedwidge, bmurraymountains, bredamaryoshea, BrittonOutdoors, cairns-pj, Camp, CarmelC, Cel20, Cel77, Cheryl, Chopper, chrismcgivney, cjd, claff, CoafzkwrhIslui, Connysull, Conorisl, Cristina, DamianC, daraheen, david21, davidbell555, davygee, DermotKerins, dIcRalok, DMagee, doconnor, donal1956, donnchad, driscolk, Dr_Yan, eGjhKgkt, Eithrin, elena, Ellebabes21, emmett123, Fallingwalling, FionaL, freemansrus, Galtyboy, Galway_girl726, garyholohan, gazabb, gerreg, GerryCasey, gerrylawler, griansliabh, hci, HeidiT, HelenC, hneary, Ilovemyfamily564, ivbshKwu, Jai-mckinney, jamieohare, JaneC, Jimmybev, jimoconnor, Jonathan_Gray, Julian100, KaptainK, KarenNick, KeithAnderson, KevinCurtin, Khmoore, Kirsty, kirtatty, kjmcmena, Lizzielou, maguire_d, MargaretHayes555, Mark314, markd555, markd555md, MarkHackett, Mark_Devlin, MaryCollins, MaryPat, MCarroll70, michaelirwin57, mike1970, mkellymoore, Mmcgrath, mountainWalker_1, Musicalfrawley, Nerrad, Niamhflan, Niamhmalin, nige74, Ninorc1944, No1Grumbler, Noelieboy, Oisin_Egan, Patellar, Patienceman, Pat_Rod, paulinemartin, pbourke, pconnolly, Petercon1, philkeegan, pjrhyland, prasanna, pxykZvNn, rdkernan, RicDan, RidgeSeeker, Rjw20, rkn1ckerbock3r, Roisincmtb, ronyfitz, roops, Rwalsh, SarahP, sarahrio, Scope37, Slopestroller, Stephen44, Stoneridge, Sunnyhunny, Susieofstouke, Tiger, toconnor, Tommcgonigle, trevsoup4040, Tyndall, valeria_am21, Vfslb1904, Vincent66, Virgela, WalknGawk, wBrJicgdy, westclaregael, WilliamLedwidge, Woodm (148)

(Information above and below are since we last presented such figures, which is generally a month but can be longer when we don't have an html newsletter.)
Our contributors to all threads this month: Aidy (1), Bunsen7 (2), Camillus57 (1), Carolyn105 (10), Colin Murphy (1), David-Guenot (2), Fergalh (665), GerryCasey (1), Harry Goodman (2), Jai-mckinney (1), JoHeaney (1), MichaelG55 (2), No1Grumbler (1), Pepe (1), Peter Walker (1), Wildrover (1), andren64 (1), caillin_deas (1), chelman7 (3), concorde (1), conormcbandon (5), eamonoc (8), Communal summary entries (65), magnumpig (1), markmjcampion (19), markwallace (1), noucamp (1), omurchu (1), patton4 (1), pdtempan (1), peter1 (1), simon3 (5), wild_brian (1)
For a fuller list view Community | Recent Contributors

There were comments on the following places , Aghalion Hill, An Eadarna Mhór, Ballydorgan, Ballyroon Mountain, Ballyvouskill, Barnahowna, Bawn Mountain, Ben of Howth, Binn Gabhar, Caha SE Top, Cairngaver, Carn Hill, Carrigarierk, Cashel Hill, Cloghermore, Cnoc na Stéige, Cnoc na Stéige (mullach thoir thuaidh), Coomnalack Top, Coomura Mountain, Corrin, Coumfea West Top, Craignamaddy, Cratlieve, Cregg, Currane Hill, Derrineanig, Doan, Eagle Hill, Eisc na Leathóg, Fahane, Faill an tSáis, Faughil, Fearann Dealúígh, Formaoil, Gortamullin, Gouladane, Inchimore, Inishcorra, Keeloges, Kinvarra, Knockatassonig, Knockatee, Knocklaur, Knocknafaughy, Knocknafreaghane, Knocknagallaun, Knocknaveagh, Knockowen, Knockroe, Lackabaun, Lackavrea, Lackenakea, Lehid, Lettercallow, Mám Trasna (mullach thoir thuaidh), Moanbane, Mullach an Ois (mullach thoir thuaidh), Mweelrea, Nephin, Ouley Hill, Roighne Mhór, Rosroe Point, Seanadh Bhéara, Slieve Croob, Slievegarran, Slievekeeragh Hill, Slievenaslat, Slievenisky, Sugarloaf Mountain West Top, Taobh Dubh, Taur, Tawin Island, Teevnabinnia, Tievecrom, Tonelagee, Tullyhappy, Tullymorehill
and these shared tracks Broaghnabinnia, Dunkerron Mountains Ireland, Cloghermore, South Connemara Ireland, Cnoc an Bhaile Nua, South Connemara Ireland, Cnoc an Ghleanna, Kerry Coastal Hill Ireland, Croghan Hill, North Midlands Ireland, Glascarns Hill, Bluestack Mountains Ireland, Hag's Tooth, MacGillycuddy's Reeks Ireland, Knockacullion, Breifne Ireland, Leitir Eitreann, Twelve Bens Ireland, Ox Mountains Ireland, Slievenaglogh, Mourne Mountains Ireland, Tibradden Mountain, Dublin/Wicklow Ireland, Tibradden Mountain, Dublin/Wicklow Ireland, Two Rock Mountain, Dublin/Wicklow Ireland tracks were created.

Thanks to all 1410 who have ever contributed place or routes info and forums.

For a full list view Community | Contributors Hall of Fame

Summary. MountainViews now has 10500 comments about 2509 different hills, mountains, island and coastal features out of the total in our current full list (2201 on island of Ireland). We want to get a good gps track showing each of the major ways to visit each of these places and summits in Ireland. If you see an option to add a "Short Summary" then do please consider creating one since another objective is to have a short summary for every summit and island and coastal feature in Ireland. There's quite a few (-308) opportunities for you to be the first to comment on a place, not so many on summits, however lots of opportunities for islands and coastal features as we bring them out. We also have around 2700 shared GPS tracks, mostly in Ireland. Apart from a few popular areas, there is a need for more routes in many different areas. Plain shared tracks without descriptions are welcome however if you have time then do please add route descriptions with photos.


  • If you are contributing, please be careful to respect the interests of landowners. Suggest access routes well away from houses, gardens or that could conceivably impact farming activities. When walking, keep away from gardens or farm buildings. Use stiles or gates wherever possible. Never do anything that could allow animals to roam where the farmer did not intend. Ask permission where appropriate.
  • Take care if parking and do not obstruct roads, lanes and field entrances to access by farm machinery, which can be large. Exercise your dog in parks or forests but avoid countryside or open hillside where they may worry sheep.
  • Report suspicious activity to the police forces, as below.
  • If your car is broken into in an upland area report it to the PSNI or Gardai as this will help them be aware of the issue and tackle it in future. Store the numbers. In Northern Ireland use the PSNI non-emergency number 0845 600 8000. In the Republic you can find the local Garda District HQs phone numbers at Specifically for the hotspot of Wicklow: the Garda Divisional Headquarters in Bray is 01 6665300.
  • If you hear of a problem area or route, write it up in MountainViews which does everyone a service.
    Report rubbish tipping in the Republic - ring EPA hotline 1850 365 121
    Report recreational quads in national park area (in which they are banned). They are also banned in the Mournes. For Wicklow please phone the Duty Ranger: 087-9803899 or the office during office hours Telephone: +353-404-45800. For the Mournes ring the PSNI (as above) or contact Mournes Heritage Trust. Put these numbers in your phone, take regs etc. Let MV know of contact numbers for other areas.
  • If you have visited some of the less well known places, we would appreciate a place rating and also "Improve Grid Ref" for summits and other places.
  • If you find errors in the basic information about places such as in their names, their heights, county name etc please use the "Propose Places Database Change" option.
  • If we can, let's make MV have more than one route up a summit or to a place so as to reduce the tendency for paths to appear. Your grid refs in comments for different starting points show up on MountainViews maps as well as shared GPS tracks.
  • MV Facebook page. Visit the MountainViews Facebook page.
  • ChallengeWalksIreland Visit the Challenge Walks Ireland page (jointly managed by MountainViews)

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This newsletter Editor: Simon Stewart, Homepage:
Assistant editors: Colin Murphy, David Owens
Summit comment reviews: David Murphy
Challenge Info: Jim Holmes
Track reviews: Peter Walker
Book reviews: Aidan Dillon, Peter Walker, Mel O'Hara
Videography: Peter Walker
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