The Summit
Monthly newsletter of MountainViews.ie for guestuser
Apr 2017
MOUNTAINVIEWS: Hillwalkers' Winter Talks
MountainViews has been organising Walkers Winter Talks for 2017.
The programme will follow a similar format to the WAI talks.
More information:
Tuesday, 11th April, 2017. 8pm. "Ireland's Rockery: Beauty, Diversity and Controversy" Speaker: Patrick Roycroft, President of the Irish Geological Association 2015/2016.
There will be a Questions and Answers after the talk. Bring your sample rocks identified by where you found them. They can be passed around and to Patrick for comment.
Folded rocks - Loughshinny, Co Dublin.
Ireland, for a relatively small land area, has a great variety of rocks, minerals, fossils and types of rocky contortions. Although Ireland's broad geological character links to both the UK (to the east) and North America (to the west), each Irish county, in fact, has something geological of which it can be proud. Irish geology has played a very significant role in the history of geology and continues to do so. My talk will take a wide range of topics that will illustrate some of the genuinely wonderful rocks that we have - including a few that are commonly encountered by hillwalkers - to show their beauty, diversity and that some are still very controversial.
Patrick Roycroft.
Patrick Roycroft is a geologist with a BA (Mod.) from Trinity College Dublin and a PhD from University College Dublin (UCD). He has multiple jobs: copyeditor and proofreader with the geological journal Elements; a genealogist working at the Irish Family History Centre in the CHQ Building, Dublin; and occasional walking tour guide with what was formerly Ingenious Ireland.
Gorgeous popular book.
Patrick has been President of the Irish Geological Association (2015/2016) and has worked closely with the National Museum of Ireland - Natural History (NMINH) on saving and curating UCD's massive mineral collection, done with the help of two grants from the Heritage Council. As part of this project, Patrick has a mineral exhibition that is currently on at the NMINH on Merrion Street, Dublin (aka the 'Dead Zoo'). Two notable recent publications include the 2015 popular book on the geology of Ireland entitled 648 Billion Sunrises: A Geological Miscellany of Ireland and, in late 2016 in the Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, he wrote a complete review of the very rare Cork mineral known as 'cotterite'.
These meetings are being organised by the MountainViews committee with assistance from the WAI. Talks are held in the Landsdowne Hotel, 27 - 29 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4 unless otherwise stated. Entry is free unless otherwise stated. There is a voluntary collection. Directions here www.lansdownehotel.ie .
The excellent bar facilities allow you to have a drink with other hillwalkers after the event. You can get a meal before the meeting also. Should you wish to stay overnight then please consider staying with the Lansdowne.
MOUNTAIN MEITHEAL: Mountain Meitheal are keen to find more people to help.
Mountain Meitheal make practical repairs to some of the more popular areas we walk on, using a voluntary community based approach. (More information at their website.)
Picture of the month
Coastal view from Croaghmuckros, a small hill in SW Donegal by Aidy
In short: Discovery
Featured track The legal profession in negotiations... (sic)
April's Track of the Month is a shortish outing to the relatively isolated summit of Keadeen Mountain in Wicklow, as submitted and written up in his inimitable anecdotal fashion by CaptainVertigo. The route is not extraordinary in itself, but it's highlighted as a fine example of how an online community can usefully inform others: here, Paul has come across a potential access issue, made sure it was not inflamed at the time and has then come back and written it up on MountainViews. (For what it's worth, there are no access issues at the time of writing if approaching along the length of the ridge that runs east from the top).
CaptainVertigo on Forbidden Keadeen
Main walk Start: 13:41, End: 16:16, Duration: 2h35m, Length: 7.2km, Ascent: 487m, Descent: 482m Places: Start at S94030 89234, Keadeen Mountain, Carrig Mountain, end at S93959 88944 299m S from Start (statistics such as Ascent or Length etc should be regarded as approximate. Duration depends on the speed of the person making the track)
Please DO NOT attempt to gain access to Keadeen from the road by following my route. The owner, who is a very decent man, has good reasons for wanting to control access. There are numerous other unproblematic access points. Years ago I would wait until conditions were right and leave planning my walk until the night before. This proved a little stressful, so at some point, I began to prepare many alternative routes, put them on special sheets, and was always ready for action. Except that the sheet I wanted would inevitably go missing when the time for action arrived. Finally, in what can only be described as a stroke of organisational genius, I placed all my precious plans in a single lever-arch folder, with routes suitable for every part of the country, so that if a day came free with a promise of rain at one end of the island, I would be ready to travel to the other end. It would be all there in the folder. On March 18th the weather in Leinster was mild and a little drizzly, so I confirmed to boys Nos 1 and 3 that we would tackle a short route in Wicklow to enable me to cross Keadeen off my lists. Surprisingly, its an Arderin, Vandaleur-Lynam and one of the Highest Hundred. I detected a certain suspicious air of Where exactly are we going , Dad?. Leave that to me I smiled smugly, Remember lads: this is what I do. My gear was all over the place so by the time I had assembled it, it was practically lunchtime, and we all knew that we would need to be home to see Irelands rugby players take the good out of Englands Six Nations Win, and pay them back for 800 years of disrespect etc. So I grabbed for my special folder only to discover it was gone. Disappeared. Dematerialised. One of the great advantages of marriage is that there is always someone to accuse in the event of lost property. To no avail. No admission of guilt. Not even a suggestion of the next step. I was merely stripped of the brownie point that was to have been awarded for briefly severing the umbilical cords of the two lads from their mobile phones. Suddenly, I was no longer the cool, calculating, leader of a small but highly motivated group: I was shell shocked and frantic. We jumped in the Ham and headed for Keadeen. Not the carefully prepared side of Keadeen in the missing plans. No. The other side, as suggested, randomly, by Google Maps on my mobile. I knew that Keadeen was hovering behind the fog, and that the open mountain was only a few fields away, across a narrow strip of farmland, bisected by a boreen. I thought of driving around the mountain. But I also thought of how Ireland had been treated since 1169 by the sasanach, and the urgency of completing our task so that we could get home. It was, as so many of my decisions are, a "no brainer". I parked the Ham up the road and marched the crew to the gate. There was a big red and yellow sign that admittedly began with the words: No unauthorised entry but then laid down the conditions that would apply if one was indeed allowed to advance. Both sons (highly educated in a book-learning way) wondered if the sign might mean we should not enter the premises. I explained that the sign required us to make reasonable efforts to obtain the consent that would invariably be given. We hopped over the gate and up the laneway. No. 3 said: Were in luck and pointed to a large flock of sheep on the mountain emerging from the fog in the care of a man and his dog. Look lads we cant send a flock of sheep scattering in all directions. Leave that man alone
Well contour round to the north and avoid upsetting him. But as we attempted a flanking movement, the man, his dog and the sheep moved across the mountain to block our path. When the parties were less than 100 metres from one another I heard an unmerciful shout. Son No. 1 said: Are you sure you know what you are doing? (He has been with me the longest). I told the lads to rest, and I walked forward to parlay, in the way generals talk to opposing generals to see if bloodshed can be avoided. In front of me was the man and his carefully drilled sheep. And there was me, in a redcoat, my flock hidden behind a rise. I began with a profuse apology. He cut me short with questions about my eyesight and literacy. He indicated that we should return from whence we came. I explained that I had attempted to circumnavigate him to avoid scattering the sheep, not to avoid detection. Had there been no sheep, I would have walked directly to him and asked him for permission to proceed. I said that I would lead my boys straight down the hill and drive them home to their mother if that was what he wanted but I implored his consent to proceed. Once I acknowledged that this man would have the final say, he relaxed and asked me where I was from. We introduced ourselves. He pointed out that he is demented with trespassers, that he is in his 80s (yes and up and down the mountain too, fair dues to him), that various walls have been damaged and so forth. But as so often happens when people meet face to face and show suitable respect, the landowner now changed his mind and told me to go on up. I thanked him profusely and promised to make his views known in our community. I also promised to come down further south rather than go near his place a second time. We parted on the best of terms. Meeting this kindly but hardy individual was the highpoint of the day. Well almost the highpoint
the rout of the sasanach at the Viva was sublimely pleasurable. [ Ireland beat England 13 to 9 at rugby that day, though England were the overall winners of the 6 Nations Cup. There probably are uncontentious routes up Keadeen from the SW but don't use this one. ]
NORTH: Couldnt ask for more
Raghtin More is a fine quartzite topped Arderin in Inishowen, and Liz50 kindly provides no less than three ways to access the summit.
group on Raghtin More, (Reachtain Mhór): The smallest Inishowen Arderin
The easiest approach is to park at Urrismenagh viewpoint carpark C317 443 and follow the track to its highest point. From here you can avoid Crockmain and carry on towards Raghtin More to the North.
Alternatively from Mamore Gap car park C323 423 walk downhill in a SE direction to a gravel track and follow it to the head of the valley before veering off to the North to reach the summit dirctly b ... ... Click here ...
NORTH: Punching Above Its Weight
Parts of the wreckage of this tragedy remain to this day on Tievebauns slopes in the Dartry Mountains, but dont disturb them, appeals dp_burke.
Aidy on Croaghmuckros: Punching Above Its Weight
I was in this area on Sunday, and had no real plans for hill walking as I was expecting relentless rain and a lack of views on hills covered with low cloud. Instead I was planning to drive along the coast, dashing from the car for a few photos when weather allowed. It turned out to be a beautiful day, and Croaghmuckros looked so enticing as I looked over at it from Muckros Head that I decided I ... ... Click here ...
MIDLANDS: A devastated landscape!
Tree-felling and the scars of heavy machinery have reduced Coppanagh in the South Midlands to a treacherous terrain of jutting branches and gouged earth, reports Pepe.
Pepe on Coppanagh, (Sliabh Chopanaí): Wear Your Wellies
As of early 2017 the top section of forestry has been felled, making the trig easily visible once you're up. A word of caution: this felling has resulted in a treacherous summit surface; a gazillion branches lurk on the ground often hiding under grass, moss or loose sods, waiting to trap the unsuspecting walker. Felling has also resulted in heavy machinery activity and many deeply-gouged digger tr ... ... Click here ...
WEST: Don't fence me in...
Onzy continues his Arderin Beg campaign down in the Cahas with a route to the 'creatively monikered' Knockeirky South Top, encountering friendly farmers and rivers, while avoiding high fences. To the sane among us this looks like quite a lot of effort for a relatively minor summit...those who follow him might look at a round starting with Knockowen and ending with this summit.
Onzy on Cahas: Knockeirky South Top
Having been classified as an Arderin Beg only last year, this peak is relatively rarely visited. It is somewhat isolated| walk, Len: 5.5km, Climb: 447m, Area: Knockeirky South Top, Caha Mountains (Ire ... Click here ...
WEST: Panoramic views of Connemara
Lesser travelled it may be, but Errisbeg offers a wealth of views of land and sea, says Liz50.
group on Errisbeg, (Iorras Beag): Panoramic views of Connemara
A pleasant 2 hour walk from Roundstone village by taking a minor road to the west from the centre of the village. There is parking along this road at L71775 40102. Continue on ungraded road to a wooden gate at L71295 40206 giving access to the open hillside. Summit area has a trig point and a second 'high point' with a cairn.
Also possible to park on the R341 at L68279 39762 and follow a bog road ... ... Click here ...
Featured summit comment Actually, this is an example of a Short Summary by liz50 - it's to the point, includes the basics and has an informative title. And we could use some more help with these!
The smallest Inishowen Arderin liz50
The easiest approach is to park at Urrismenagh viewpoint carpark C317 443 and follow the track to its highest point. From here you can avoid Crockmain and carry on towards Raghtin More to the North.
Alternatively from Mamore Gap car park C323 423 walk downhill in a SE direction to a gravel track and follow it to the head of the valley before veering off to the North to reach the summit dirctly by avoiding Crockmain.
From the North East park at Butlers Glen C358 468 with off road parking and walk up through the Glen to the end of the track before ascending over open boggy hillside.
There is a large cairn on the large flat rocky summit area.
To the East is Slieve Snaght and to the West Lough Swilly is in view
WEST: Rock that doesn't take ages
It's an extensive tangle of summits and wildness in the Shehy/Knockboy area of the South-West, an area which absorbs the footfall of relatively few walkers considering the quality of the scenery. peter1 has submitted a short circuit over Carran and a couple of southern/western outliers, easily extendable for those with transport or no aversion to backtracking. Visitors should be sure to consult the Carran summit notes, and thus park with suitable consideration for the (sympathetic) local farmers.
peter1 on Carran from the south west
This is a track of the route probably taken by madfrankie in the 2009 posting of this route. There is a really wild feel| walk, Len: 6.1km, Climb: 239m, Area: Carran South Top, Shehy/Knockboy (Ireland ... Click here ...
WEST: A perfect spring walk
Benchoona in the Twelve Bens and its associated loughs, alive with fish and frogs, make for a spectacular walk on a fine spring day, reports Maurice12.
maurice12 on Benchoona, (Binn Chuanna): Spring Walk
Climbed this on Sat 11th March '17 on a bright sunny day with stunning visibility. We commenced the walk at the western end of Lough Muc, a few hundred meters up from the now renovated Salruck primary school. There is a wooden bridge across the Cuffin river on to soft marshy ground. Our poles were used here to test the ground for firmness. A steep climb took us on to the spur named Lettergesh East ... ... Click here ...
SOUTH: A worthwhile outlier
Knockantooreen in Shehy/Knockboy is often ignored due to its relative isolation from the Carran tops, but impressive rock formations make it a worthy summit, says peter1.
peter1 on Knockantooreen, (Cnoc an Tuairín): A worthwhile outlier
As madfrankie says, it's unlikely anyone would like to climb this just for itself. However, it's certainly worth including Knockantooreen in a circuit which has Carran as the main goal. There are fine views from the top yet the very impressive rock folds that make up the mountain are best appreciated from across the valley. ... Click here ...
SOUTH: A word of warning...
Member Wilderness began his ascent of Knocknadobar at Coonanna Harbour, but was lucky to avoid an encounter with an unwelcoming landowner (see Knocknadobar N Top.)
Wilderness on Knocknadobar, (Cnoc na dTobar): Great views
You can park your car on the west side of Knocknadobar either at Coonanna Harbour or the Pilgrims car park. I started my climb up Knocknadobar North Top from the harbour. The beginning of the climb is a little tricky as you have a few fences to climb over but overall a good challenging climb with amazing views. I came down the Pilgrims route expecting it to be a quick descent, but it turned out ... ... Click here ...
SOUTH: Nice end to a day out.
Not a top to do in isolation, but Knocknacusha offers great views of the Reeks, and the option of several nearby summits to the north, reports muddyboots.
muddyboots on Knocknacusha, (Cnoc Osaidh): Nice end to a day out.
Similar to the other contributors, this is not a single summit day out. I did it after Colly. It's an hour or so with a coffee break. Start at the Ballaghasheen pass (spectacular drive in & out) and head slightly westwards starting at a metal pylon. No broken fences or signs here. Skirt slightly on the west side until the first few rock shelves are climbed. I advise going up on the lefthand side ( ... ... Click here ...
EAST: Ease Your Feet In The Sea
Suitably encouraged or appalled by his experiences in walking south along the coast from Skerries (see last newsletter) simon3 has volte-faced and set off in the opposite direction. Excursions like this may be lacking slightly in drama, but they are fairly amenable even when the weather isn't, and can provide pleasant rambles when anything high-level is rejected for whatever reason. Heed the advice to seek local knowledge though.
simon3 on Skerries to Balbriggan
This route starts from Skerries and goes to Balbriggan staying as near to the waterline as possible. However this wasn't| walk, Len: 9.7km, Climb: 69m, Area: East Coast (Ireland) ... Click here ...
EAST: Sweeping views, rubbish start.
Ballyguile Hill in Wicklow is a small but attractive top with fine coastal views, thats if you ignore the illegal dump that you have to negotiate at the start, reports Simon3.
group on Knockboha: ... Click here ...
EAST: Not so happy hunting ground
A warning from madeleineblue, who encountered some possibly illegal hunters while on a walk up Knockannavea Hill in the Dublin/Wicklow area.
madeleineblue on Knockannavea: Hillwalkers, Beware of Becoming Hunting Fodder
Good to hear your experience of boys with (lethal) toys. My experience was in the area between Drumgoff and Carrawaystick at the start of the hunting season. Returning along the old forest road from a lovely jaunt over by Kelly's Lough, I came upon a large jeep pulled up on the ditch. As I approached, two men (in said camouflage) appeared. One wielding a hunting (I presume) rifle, the other a ... ... Click here ...
ENGLAND: "...as one would look from old Skiddaws top"
Your track reviewer has allowed his mind to drift back to his childhood, courtesy of Onzy's track of the glorious route to Skiddaw in England's Lake District via the soaring ridge of Ullock Pike and Long Side. This is easily the finest route to England's fourth highest mountain, and he has shown further good sense by diverting to Skiddaw Little Man, a summit that the legendary Alfred Wainwright considered to command the finest view in the whole area (and that is quite an accolade). The return goes through some of the National Park's quietest countryside, and the only criticism I could have of his route selection is that descending north-east rather than north-west from Bakestall would have allowed a visit to Whitewater Dash, a quite spectacular cascade.
Onzy on Lake District: Skiddaw via Ullock Pike
Classic route in the lakes...| walk, Len: 15.3km, Climb: 1062m, Area: Ullock Pike, Lake District - Northern Fells (Britain) Ullock Pike, Long Side, Carl Side, Skiddaw South Top, Skiddaw Little Man, S ... Click here ...
SPAIN: Gone to the dogs...
GSheehy continues to probe the outer limits of hillwalking endurance by returning to the Canary Islands and a very long walk around the coast of the island of La Gomera on the GR 132, over 60km of walking with over 3000m of ascent, written up in Gerard's usual amiably informative manner with many photos. Read it and be inspired, or otherwise resolve to be just a tad more sedentary on your own holidays, or just weep.
GSheehy on La Gomera - GR132
In 1492, Columbus set out from San Sebastián with a bit of a plan. I did the same last Sunday, but thatâs where the s| walk, Len: 61.2km, Climb: 3208m, Area: Spain, Canary Islands () ... Click here ...
Sorry if we didn't mention what you posted .. there's a list of all contributors for recent months later.
OSI Request for priorities as to what to map.
OSI symbols. 1:25K Wicklow South.
Ordnance Survey Ireland - new consultation - your input needed.
For many years OSI have engaged in various exercises to consult interested parties on maps. Bodies such as Mountain Rescue, Mountaineering Ireland and ourselves, MountainViews. The consultation has been about many things but probably focussing on presentation. What has become clear is that there are some issues that can't easily be resolved without OSI finding new ways to source essential information. And the new consultation is about a process to correct this and thus to be welcomed. It is a different sort of consultation from previous ones.
Examples of suggestions abound in what hillwalkers and coastal walkers want. For example the new 1:25000 maps, intended for recreational users, don't include a symbol for paths, but more importantly such paths do not appear using any of the other symbols - see picture. In the interests of accuracy let me say that OSI are very willing to include path information when they have it on 1:25k maps. There is a symbol for Waymarked Ways and there are some instances where these have been shown, however these are few relative to the walking routes in existence. There is also a symbol for cycling routes. And of course OSI have used summit information that MountainViews is happy to share.
Then are new features in the landscape. Here's one example: love them or hate them there wind turbines are now a significant part of the uplands. These do not appear on the 1:25k maps such as Wicklow South. Surely such new and prominent features should be shown.
Individual turbines shown on 1:50k L&PS map in Northern Ireland.
Often, the only place to start to get onto higher ground, given the uncertainties of access law in Ireland, is through forests. In a brief study we did of MV data, around 40% of Irish hills are usually or preferentially accessed through forests. What is needed is accurate forest roads, rides (fire-breaks) and smaller paths. Some OSI mapping of forests is excellent, for example the 1:50k of the Ballyhouras, but much is erroneous with omissions, incorrect additions and inconsistency.
These would only be some of the basic features needed.
Here's another. Car parks Ever had your car done in Wicklow? It happened to me at Baravore car park. This car park is out of sight of houses. It is marked as a car park on the 1:25k (Wicklow Central). Other car parks or places where cars can be parked more safely are not shown. For example the car park at Glenmalure Lodge which must have places for at least 150+ cars. Of course its status as a private car park may mean it needs to be displayed differently however it should be mapped. Currently niether is this car park shown nor the whole of Glenmalure Lodge, a substantial premises.
The Way Forward
This new consultation is a way to request what is needed by hillwalkers and a way out of the current situation and we would strongly urge people think about what they need and take the offered survey and make their priorities known. You need to do this immediately. Revised Link Here.
simon3 on Do your VITAL bit for hillwalking maps soon.
Ordnance Survey Ireland bring out a high proportion of the maps of interest to hillwalkers in Ireland. They are the only source of mapping for vast swathes of the island of Ireland. But since they brought out the 1:50000 maps in the 90's and the more recent 7 1:25000 maps various issues have become clear. In short there are omissions and incosistencies thay materially affect hill and coastal wal ... ... Click here ...
On the Brandy Pad in the Mournes.
Love is blind but the neighbours ain't.
Our esteemed member Peter Walker goes to MORF and got this curious, unwelcome titbit from there:
Hi folks Something that came up during the Mourne Outdoor Recreation Forum meeting in Newcastle last night... Hopefully there'll be little disagreement with the statement that memorials on the hills are not to be encouraged. We can all sympathise with the feelings of the bereaved but those feelings are best not articulated in semi-permanent form on top of Slieve Donard. It seems that such artifacts are on the increase again, but someone has taken it to the next level. This photo was apparently taken on the Brandy Pad beneath the Castles last Friday...
Strengthening the MountainViews Committee
Currently we have a number of officers on the committee such as chairperson, secretary etc. We really could use some further committee members to achieve our strategic goals and spread the load.
In Brief
Ordinary members
For those taking an interest in the MV committee or indeed committees in general we can also use some further "regular" committee members without a specific role. There are many smaller quite finite projects that might suit regular members.
Talks Group
Not strictly speaking part of the main committee but an interesting position.
The MountainViews ANNUAL, 2016 has arrived.
In February 2016 MountainViews was delighted to announce something new, our first ANNUAL, an online magazine for Hillwalkers in Ireland. Here is our latest annual, published in Feb 2017
Click here for the 2016 ANNUAL
(or Hi-res version.)
If you are interested in a printed version you can buy one here. Click Here.
Map of walks.
A very convenient and regular walk for me as I live a few hundred metres from the Power Station. However, if you start your journey from Limerick city, take the direction Shannon Airport , pass the Strand Hotel on your left and, at the next traffic lights , Union Cross , take a right and walk to the traffic lights at Hassetts cross. Over to the left you will see the stands of Thomond Park and if you are interested in rugby you might like to visit the museum. If not, cross the traffic lights and continue walking on the long pavement towards Parteen village. at Browns pub take a left and walk for 10 mins on a small road (cul de sac) to Ardnacrusha Power Station. Pass through the turnstile and walk up the embankment. Here take time to view the impressive power station, built by the German Contractors, Siemens, in the 1930s. Continue walking to the right in the direction of Ardnacrusha bridge. Cross the road and continue your walk along the headrace towards Clonlara bridge.
Errina Canal Bridge
You have an option here of continuing your walk by crossing the bridge, staying on the southern side of the bank(walk A) or alternatively (walk B)take a right turn and walk to Clonlara village, passing the well popular Stritch s bar, run by Mike and Helen. Helen is the daughter of well-known round the world yachtsman Pat Lawless. r. i. p. Having passed the bar on your left, walk for a further 100 metres to a small bridge over the Errina canal, take a left and walk upstream on the left bank along what is now a gravel road to a private house which was a lock house on the canal. Before reaching the house the walkway veers to the left down off the bank and continues parallel to the bank with the canal and returns to the canal bank beyond the house. There are some gates to allow passage through here. Further along you arrive at Maddens lock, a double lock with a narrow arched bridge over the canal between the two locks. This was used to facilitate transfer of the horse towing the barge to the towpath on the other side of the canal. An Irish yew tree still exists beside the lock house which sadly is in ruins. Some security fence has been erected along the upper lock. There are tubular gates to be scaled to get through on the walk. The pathway continues along to Errina Bridge but leaves the overgrown towpath for a gravel path higher on the bank. On arrival at Errina bridge, the walkway goes back down onto the towpath and continues under the bridge on the towpath towards OBriensbridge.
Errina Canal Footpath
If, however you decided to stay on the headrace bank(walk A), continue walking in the direction of the next village OBriensbridge. Less than half way you will see the old Errina bridge on your right, walk down the embankment, through the turnstile and walk under the bridge. Here you will observe the grooves that barge ropes had gouged as the horses had dragged them decade after decade against the stone bridge abutments. Continue walking on this towpath along the Errina canal, I might add, in very pretty surroundings, for 2 km until you reach the open Shannon River. Turn left and walk on the bank of the river to the village of OBriensbridge (1km) At the village where the track ends, take a left turn, up the village to the Headrace bridge, cross over the bridge to the northern bank availing of the turnstile.
Head-Race Canal, Ardnacrusha.
Your next stop is Parteen weir about 30 mins. walk. You will be impressed with this Castle like edifice and the sound of white water rushing thunderously through the sluices. Continue your walk through the weir and on to the bank of Lough Derg. Walk for approximately 1km and then drop down to a small track .You wlll see a gate and a turnstile and a sign should direct you on the Lough Derg way to Killaloe. Follow this track and after ½ km, you will arrive on the main Limerick/Killaloe road. Turn right on the main road and walk a few hundred metres to Ardclooney Bridge .Pay attention here on this short section as traffic is fast moving- At the bridge take a small road on the left directing you on the Lough Derg way . Ignore the other road on the left. If you decide not to continue your walk to Killaloe, retrace your steps back via the bank, returning to O Briens bridge. Continue your walk on the south bank of the Head race to Clonlara bridge OR at Errina bridge take (walk B) back to Clonlara Village . Leave Clonlara on the south bank of the Headrace , direction Ardnacrusha bridge, and after 25min. you will see a gate, turnstile and track on your left. You will observe a sign indicating the Lough Derg way. This route will take you back to Limerick via the University and the Shannon River.
A great walk. allow about 5 hours. Best not to select a windy day as you will probably have to face south westerly winds.
-- buny clare (tony hackett)
A place for those interested in Challenge Walks
Knockmealdown Crossing.
Challenge Walk Calendar
"And theyre off and running at Redcar. . ."
This Saturday sees the Challenge Walk Calendar take off in earnest for 2017.
Hopefully at this stage the ever eager Challenge Walker has shed all that "mid-rift buoyancy" from Christmas past (let's just say that in my own case . . . well, I have a tendency to "winter well") and is now in peak condition to hit the ground running!!
Staring up at the ominous Corcogmore at the horrendously ungodly hour of 5 in the am (on the Maumturks) . . . or even the tough pull up to Knockmealdown Mountain (on the Knockmealdowns). . . there can be no hiding place! The Challenge Walker knows only all too well, that a lot of training and effort has to be bested and all in good time for this Saturday!!
Yes indeed, this Saturday's racecard is plenty busy to boot.
Peaks Mountaineering Club proudly hosts the fantastic Knockmealdown Crossing, now a very well established anchor in the Challenge Walks Calendar in its own right. On this great day out there will also be shorter walks with guides. This is always the perfect place to start for all and any with a growing interest in the Challenge Walks Calendar . . . and Peaks Mountaineering continue to nurture this with ability (and friendship).
Heading westwards and NUI Galway host the ever popular Maumturks Challenge. "Ever popular" being the understatement of the year! This year saw the event registration allocated to a third party event management company . . . tickets sold out in 3 mins!
It is certainly hoped by all Challenge Walkers alike, that such an event won't start to attract those who aren't prepared or don't appreciate the gravity of taking on such a Challenge.
One of the toughest of the Challenge Walks this event comes so early in the year's Calendar (as well as the Knockmealdowns Crossing) that that old "winter-well, mid-riff buoyancy" we mentioned earlier had better be trimmed down as best as. . . .
Towards the end of the month the forever busy Galtee Walking Club present the Slievenamuck Marathon and Bannside, now in their 39th year, play host to the Causeway Coast Challenge. . .
So "Onwards and Upwards" boys and girls, enjoy your day and most importantly keep safe. . . which leads me back to the excellent article as written by Michael Neary, that we here at MountainViews will continue to reiterate. . . Check if you are "Fit for the Challenge" - click here.
Jim Holmes.
Also take a look at this resource: www.facebook.com/ChallengeWalksIreland
Appeal for your help.
An appeal for your help from MountainViews.ie
Particularly for programmers.
As you know, MountainViews.ie exists solely through the efforts of its volunteers and contributors.
And hopefully we can continue to offer this free resource for a very long time. While the MountainViews committee is well-represented across a broad number of skills such as strategic planning, design, surveying, research etc, we do urgently need some support on the technical side, as the entire workload for this area currently falls on a single individual.
To this end we are asking for volunteers to help ensure the continuance of MountainViews.ie into the future, by offering to assist in matters such as software maintenance, making minor feature changes, fixing bugs, dealing with hosting issues etc.
The MountainViews.ie website is developed using Open Source Tools such as Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Javascript,jQuery and OpenLayers. It is hosted on a virtual server. Volunteering would involve from a couple of hours committment a week to more depending on interest. Currently we particularly need someone to help in software development/ maintenance.
Please help ensure that MountainViews remains the finest hillwalking resource in these islands.
If you think you have at least some of the necessary technical skills and would like a chat without commitment please contact admin -at- mountainviews.ie
Many Thanks
Videos this month:
Videography by Peter Walker.
Progress on technical assistance
MountainViews has two big technical areas needing assistance: a. server maintenance and b. software development/maintenance.
We are glad to report that "ektich" an experienced server manager and member since 2005 has come forward to assist with server maintenance which should, over time, improve the speed, reliability and other aspects of the website, spreading the load of such work.
This still leaves us with a need for help in the ares of software development/ maintenance. Do feel free to discuss this, with no committment, if you think you may be able to help in this area at admin -at- mountainviews.ie
Current technical work.
Since February this year we have had to fight off a series of website interactions that have been interfering with the usual good experience of users. You may have noted that the website wasn't functioning or was operating slowly. This is a continuing challenge however for the time being the website is operating more effectively.
Further work is being done to prepare the website for the introduction of over 550 islands courtesy of David Walsh. Although easy in theory, in practice there are literally dozens of changes that need to be made to get this to work smoothly. However we hope to have this working by the summer. (That would be summer 2017)
A place for those interested in Summiteering, Bagging or Highpointing.
A Guide to Ireland's Mountain Summits - The Vandeleur-Lynams & The Arderins
MountainViews first book available online and in some bookshops. The first reprint with numerous
minor amendments is available.
simon3 on A Guide to Irelands Mountain Summits
MountainViews first book available online and in many bookshops.
As members will know, for over a decade, Mountainviews.ie has been providing unique information to hillwalkers on all aspects of exploring and enjoying Ireland's upland areas. It's been a collaborative effort by over 1000 of you, and currently contains over 6000 comments on 1057 mountains and hills on the island of Ireland ... ... Click here ...
Bulk sales to groups such as Scouts/ Guides: contact admin@mountainviews.ie for a discounted price.
This month.
Kudos to our contributors.
We welcome the following new members who enrolled this month.
aidankelly, albendiza, Alice8217, AngelaKenny, angelcervera, antoineodea, Apkelly01, Ashpool, Audrie, Barry28213, Belstart, bfagans, BillSloan, BrianCallan, BrianOxila, briantrainor90, BSterritt1234, byrne.grainne, cait-mcintyre, Carolinedavid, cesar, charliecharlie, Chell, Chris45, ciaram294, conoroneill, conorryan, cosgroveterence, cryananne, Danmo, dCorbus, Decpat, dmcm, Donegal_Lodge, Doudou71, droneythomas, edeyugat, Eileen23, eirik, EMcgreal, erwm, Evelyn19, Eyeries, faheycat, fearghalb, fez, FinnR, Fogartyj, Frankielynch1, gabriellefitzroy, gazn1093532, Geo57, Ger78, gerlo, gerrykeating, Gracie, Grimson, hannah_colette, HazelN, Hekatomba, henryjay, HeydonAna, hiker_17, Hills-of-Ireland, ijneirawak, ikbacejonap, ionadbuailisteach, isayoenpu, itepieta, itovudekigal, ivoyerikuxyy, ixqoqicebehu, izaqeyatusi, jfr531, jimtom, John7858, johndoc59, Johnkirby, johnnyfox, johnnysimpson68, Josephmor, josiestroker, Jrcobb, jvandy, Keanehoody, Keithmorrison, Kellyeamonn, Kennys, larmatthews, leswalsh, lorraine1, manuelab, MargaretMalin, margot, maritacostigan, MartinaD, mcgowansean8, mcsg, metns123, mlhouck, Mlouise, moirabee16, mollyospud, mrscmalin, mudsweatandrunners, Nekarsulm, niilosmc, nikeshoespli, nkavan1976, Noelk, nottus, ogmosizifahu, olecipocez, ovivujucizayu, oyekebauqil, oyoaazo, p.nd, pancofer, patriciacurtis, Patsheridan, paudk, paulbrennan, Peter.Murray, Peter79, peterorourke, pfrdoyle56, Powerspectrum, Pulsar, RachelC, Ramore, Randydycle, RobertWef, RuggedTrack, SamD, samsmith, Schweppee, Seamas_Doire, Sean17, Seanmcm, ShazKeane, sheamus23, sheppardsteve77, Sherpaterbear, slickrocket32, Stringtickler, Tbodtker, tector, therealjohn, ucihututoc, uegiwen, usliedsr, Waltonmountain, waynefitz90, wgleeson (154)
Our contributors to all threads this month:
Aidy (5), Bunsen7 (3), CaptainVertigo (2), Colin Murphy (3), Eirepur (3), GSheehy (3), Kennyj (1), Nekarsulm (1), Onzy (6), Pepe (1), Peter Walker (1), caiomhin (1), donalhunt (1), Communal summary entries (10), madeleineblue (1), maurice12 (1), mcrtchly (1), mlmoroneybb (2), osullivanm (1), peter1 (2), simon3 (3), supersullivan (1), wwwalker (1)
For a fuller list view Community | Recent Contributors
There were comments on the following summits
Ballinafunshoge, Benchoona, Brandon Hill, Bruse Hill, Coppanagh, Croaghcarragh, Croaghmuckros, Crockmain, Garravagh North Top, Knockannavea, Knockantooreen, Lugnaquilla, Mamore Hill, Stoney Top, Tonelagee, Tonelagee NE Top, Urris Hills
and these shared tracks Brockagh Mountain SE Top, Dublin/Wicklow Ireland, Carran South Top, Shehy/Knockboy Ireland, Cnoc Breasail, Dunkerron Mountains Ireland, Coomnahorna, Dunkerron Mountains Ireland, Derrylahard East, Mizen/Sheeps Head Ireland, Doolieve, South Cork Ireland, Eagles Hill, Dunkerron Mountains Ireland, East Coast Ireland, Galtymore, Galty Mountains Ireland, Glenbeigh Horseshoe Ireland, Keadeen Mountain, Dublin/Wicklow Ireland, Knockeirky South Top, Caha Mountains Ireland, Knocknagorraveela NE Top, Caha Mountains Ireland, Mizen/Sheeps Head Ireland, Mourne Mountains Ireland, Seahan, Dublin/Wicklow Ireland, Spain, Canary Islands , Tomaneena, Dublin/Wicklow Ireland, Ullock Pike, Lake District - Northern Fells Britain tracks were created.
Thanks to all 1274 who have ever contributed summits or routes info and forums.
For a full list view Community | Contributors Hall of Fame
MountainViews now has 8274 comments about 1491 different hills & mountains out of the total in our current full list (1501). We want to get a good gps track showing each of the major ways up every summit in Ireland. If you see an option to add a "Short Summary" then do please consider creating one since another objective is to have a short summary for every summit in Ireland. There's a few (10) opportunities for you to be the first to comment on a summit. We also have around 1500 shared GPS tracks, mostly in Ireland. Apart from a few popular areas, there is a need for more routes in many different areas. Plain shared tracks without descriptions are welcome however if you have time then do please add route descriptions with photos.
- If you are contributing, please be careful to respect the interests of landowners.
Suggest access routes well away from houses, gardens or that could conceivably impact farming activities. When walking, keep away from gardens or farm buildings. Use stiles or gates wherever possible. Never do anything that could allow animals to roam where the farmer did not intend. Ask permission where appropriate.
- Report suspicious activity to the police forces, as below.
- If your car is broken into in an upland area report it to the PSNI or Gardai as this will help them be aware of the issue and tackle it in future. Store the numbers. In Northern Ireland use the PSNI non-emergency number 0845 600 8000. In the Republic you can find the local Garda District HQs phone numbers at www.garda.ie/Stations/Default.aspx. Specifically for the hotspot of Wicklow: the Garda Divisional Headquarters in Bray is 01 6665300.
- If you hear of a problem area or route, write it up in MountainViews
which does everyone a service.
Report rubbish tipping in the Republic - ring EPA hotline 1850 365 121
Report recreational quads in national park area (in which they are banned). They are also banned in the Mournes. For Wicklow please phone the Duty Ranger: 087-9803899 or the office during office hours Telephone: +353-404-45800. For the Mournes ring the PSNI (as above) or contact Mournes Heritage Trust. Put these numbers in your phone, take regs etc. Let MV know of contact numbers for other areas.
- If you have climbed some of the less well known places, we would appreciate a summit rating and also GPS readings for summits.
- If we can, let's make MV have more than one route up a summit so as to reduce the tendency for paths to appear. Your grid refs in comments for different starting points show up on MountainViews maps as well as GPS tracks.
- MountainViews are on Twitter as MountainViewsIE. Follow us and we will follow you back. Any queries to secretary@mountainviews.ie
Visit the MountainViews Facebook page.
Visit the Challenge Walks Ireland page (jointly managed by MountainViews)
This newsletter
This newsletter |
Editor: Simon Stewart, Homepage:
Assistant editors: Colin Murphy, David Owens
Challenge Info: Jim Holmes
Track reviews: Peter Walker
Book reviews: Conor Murphy, Aidan Dillon, Peter Walker, Mel O'Hara
Videography: Peter Walker
Graphics design advice: madfrankie
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