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simon3 2024-08-30 10:57:20 |
UPDATE 1. Track not appearing in old version.
Context of comment:Two users have reported ( thanks ! ) that when they click on the a track to get the information about the track that nothing happens.We are investigating this .. it appears to be something to do with a new version of the graphing library used to to produce the "track profile" Message:As a workaround to get information by clicking on the map for a track, use the new system, not the old system. The new system will show track information if you click on the track, though it does it slightly differently. Additional points:We are endeavouring to get the system to properly create the track profile. UPDATE 1. The system is now responding correctly, though there may be other errors yet to manifest themselves or be corrected. |
simon3 2024-08-08 11:06:11 |
Adding comments in the new system.
Context of comment:You can now add comments for a mountain, hill, island etc in the new main page.Just add your comment in the text boxes provided. Adding a picture, handles them similarly to how the track upload system does it. You can browse to the picture or on a PC you can drag and drop. Browsing to a picture will work on mobile devices, though you may have to search somewhat in the various places that the mobile devices stores its gallery (s). Additional points:The code has been tested on various devices and works but this is new code and is likely to have errors. Let us know at |
simon3 2024-05-19 09:55:20 |
Crott Mountain, near Croagh Patrick, demoted
Context of comment:Following surveying it was found that Crott Mountain, shown as 500m on both OSI and EastWest maps as 500m is actually 499.7 This qualifies it only as a Carn but no longer as an Arderin.Message:If summiteering is of interest to you and you previously logged visiting Crott, then your total Arderin count will drop by one and your Carn count will increment by one. |
simon3 2024-05-19 09:45:32 |
Tievummera, Sheefrys change. Needs action.
Context of comment:On surveying Tievummera in the Sheefrys it turned out that the trig pillar is nowhere near the highest point. It's actually some 600m further west.So we have labelled the previously named "Tievummera" summit "Tievummera Trig". All the comments and your recorded logs etc are retained. However since it isn't the highest point, it isn't the Arderin or Vandeleur-Lynam. To handle this we have created a new summit for the real highpoint, called "Tievummera Highpoint" , Taobh Iomaire (pointe is airde). This will now be the main summit which when logged, will add to your Arderin or Vandeleur-Lynam count if summiteering interests you. Doing this is also an aid in misty weather. Should you be traversing the ridge E to W, you will now avoid the previous oddity which was that you encounter the trig pillar but continue to rise for no apparent reason. Message:For summiteers, you need, if you have previously visited Tievummera, now to log visiting Tievummera Highpoint. Most people who visited the trig top will also have walked over the highpoint. |
simon3 2024-04-07 22:20:59 |
More EastWest names added for summits.
Context of comment:EastWest mapping have brought out a series of maps, mostly 1:25k, which contain of course the details for a number of summits. Some the names that EastWest use are different from the official summit names or the names that MV use.For example for Knockaterrif Beg, 679.3m in the Galtys MV has sourced two names: Knockaterriff Beg and Cnoc an Tairbh Beag. Some months ago MV added two names sourced by EW: Little Bull Hill and Cruach a' Tarbh Beag. You can see this at This has been done as a service to hillwaling to make it easier to actually find these names and to know what their official or other names are. If you search for Little Bull Hill or Cruach a' Tarbh Beag you will find this page with its information including the other names. Message:Recently EW has produced a new map for Mweelrea and Croagh Patrick. With permission from EW we have added names for 38 summits to MV. So for example with MV names Crott Mountain and An Chrot also has the EW name Sliabh Buí, We expect it will be indexed shortly by search engines. Additional points:We hope the additional information and the existing information are a useful service to hillwalkers. As with any change there is a possibility of errors by us in transcribing. Let us know if you have any issues at Note: MV is not endorsing the accuracy or otherwise of the EW names - we are including them because the EastWest names are widely sold and it may be hard to find information about the summits named on EW maps. We do not support the removal of well established and official names from new maps. |
simon3 2023-11-19 11:38:40 |
Feature added.
Context of comment:MountainViews allows users to upload the files created by GPS devices or Apps which are in ".GPX" format.Currently the main page of MountainViews is being rewritten in a new "responsive" format which is intended to work better on mobile and tablet devices while also working on desktop computers. Message:We have now created a new method accessed from the menu as Walks | Upload a track NEW". This works on mobile and other sized devices including desktops. Where the device you are using includes a means of "Dragging and Dropping", then you can use this. It works nicely on desktops. Where the device you are using doesn't have "Drag and Drop", such as mobile devices, you can use the browse feature to locate .gpx files saved from whatever App you were using. Some Apps tend to tuck the saved .gpx file into obscure folders, but generally they can be found. Or you can create an instance of Google Drive and save to that and then browse to it from MountainViews. We hope to comment further on this after we have gathered more user experiences. You can then use the new editing system for the track. This is considerably simplified from the old system. Although not quite as flexible it is much quicker, allows for drag and drop of pictures and allows for easier captioning. Additional points:Please try out the new system. In time we will remove the old system but first we need to have fully tried the new system. |
simon3 2023-08-19 07:53:29 |
Unexpected changes may happen - please help
Context of comment:MountainViews is implementing a change whereby it can be installed as an App on major mobile platforms (e.g. Android, Apple iOS) and on some desktop & browser combinations (notably Windows + Google Chrome). In the technical world this is known as a "Progessive Web App" or PWA.Initial trials with the App have been generally good with advantages such as much faster startup and page loading. Further advantages anticipated include social media import/export (e.g. sending/ receiving GPX files from other Apps, working somewhat while offline) and various others will follow. However as this is a powerful tool, some tweaking and optimisation is necessary and some of this is difficult to test for because the way PWA's work on different platforms including mobile (Android/ iOS) and desktop to say nothing of different browsers. Note: in general PWAs or more likely to work fully when you use them with an up-to-date Google Chrome browser which is available on most mobile platforms (including Apple) and on most desktop platforms (including Linux). However they also work well on other browsers such as Firefox. Message:In an initial trial on 18th July 2023 results appeared good when tested. But some users (not all) reported that track uploading was failing or behaving oddly. Changes have been made therefore to temporarily remove sources of trouble while a correction is made, though the App is still installable. Additional points:We need help on this due to the variety of platforms that and its App "MountainViews App" runs on. Please report any anomalies to no matter how small. If the system hangs or does unexpected things let us know. Note. One way of correcting some issues with this sort of App is to close ALL windows with MountainViews running (browser or App) and then reopen them. The forces a reinstallation of the App's controlling files. Folks, we need help on this one. |
simon3 2023-04-18 08:08:29 |
Carn changes using EastWest data.
Context of comment:We have been re-evaluating some summits as a result of improved map information from EastWest/ Bluesky. Assistance noted from Database of British and Irish Hills.Message:The following are the results, Muskeagh Hill, Wicklow, is now a Carn since it is just over 400m Seefin N Top, Galtees, is now not a Carn, a result of a better definition of where its linking col is. Sleamaine, Wicklow is now not a Carn as a result of better estimate of its col height and corrected definition of its linking col Additional points:Nothing hugely dramatic here. Surprisingly there haven't been that many changes as a result of using EastWest/ Bluesky topographical data. Some places have been identified as candidates for surveying. For example, Leenane Hill might be an Arderin were it surveyed. |
simon3 2023-03-08 09:07:48 |
Another Arderin revealed, courtesy EastWest
Context of comment:We have been endeavoring to find Arderins for many years. While most can be found using OS mapping, there have always been hard cases where the height or usually the prominence aren't clearly discernible from OS mapping. Sometimes we attempt to resolve these using a surveying tool, accurate to 10cm, though there is always difficulty in establishing the position of cols.EastWest mapping, where it is based on commercially surveyed Bluesky data has proved accurate enough to resolve some cases without actual field surveying. Message:EastWest have informed me that according to their survey information for the Cooleys, the case for Eagles Rock to be an Arderin is strong. The summit appears to be 529.2m (528) and the keycol (between it and Slieve Foye) is at 497.2m (499). The bracketed figures are what we formerly understood from OS information). Using the difference between the unrounded height and col height this gives a prominence of 32.056 (29). While Bluesky data isn't considered to be as accurate as surveying with a differential GPS, the margin between 32.1 and 30 the minimum for an Arderin is a convincing 2.1m which future surveying is not so likely to overturn. So, Eagles Rock, Cooley Mountains duly is noted as an Arderin, making the total we currently recognise as being 409. Thanks to Barry Dalby of EastWest for this. While we don't always see eye to eye on summit names, we are glad to cooperate everywhere we can. The picture shows the summit position and its keycol on Bluesky data. Additional points:Members, you might like to assist by writing a Short Summary for Eagles Rock and finding further pictures. |
simon3 2023-02-09 07:24:37 |
Re Viewing recent comments first
Context of comment:Yes.. The number of comments have built up for some summits. Our system for presenting the most useful has been to show the best scoring first. New comments have been given a different colour and put at the front for a month to give them exposure and allow them to get rated. We also introduced the "Short Summary" which is intended to take the basics about a summit from all comments and present this first.Message:However, even doing all of this, it is probably fair to say that some useful information in recent comments isn't always that visible. We have noted that ourselves. The first thing in my view is to try to ensure good uptodate short summaries are available. We have one volunteer doing this for all of the mountains in the Highest Hundred. In principle this is easy but it does take time and experience and grit. However it would seem to be a good suggestion to allow sorting by most recent for comments. Currently the software MV uses for its main page dates from 2012 with improvements since. It doesn't work so well on different media formats such as mobile or wide laptops. We are working on the responsive version which reimplements the main page. This works much better on mobile and landscape formats.. This is the place we will implement the sorting option suggested here. However the responsive design is taking time to get right so it may be some months before we have it ready. You can view its progress at Additional points:Thanks for the suggestion. In the meanwhile we could use volunteers to help with getting good Short Summaries in place which are another way of making it easier for people to find the most useful information about a place quickly. Contact if you wish to help. |