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Highest Hundred

The Highest Hundred Irish mountains with a prominence of 100+m (100 in list)

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Summits of Highest Hundred
1 Carrauntoohil MacGillycuddy's Reeks Cen 1038.6 78, EW-R 82 V80363 84421
2 Knocknapeasta MacGillycuddy's Reeks SE 985.1 78, EW-R 94 V83600 84200
3 Brandon Brandon Group S 951.7 70, EW-DC, EW-DW 86 Q46042 11605
4 Lugnaquilla Wicklow W 924.7 56, AWW, EW-LG 74 T03209 91777
5 Galtymore Galty Mountains Cen 917.9 74, EW-G 80 R87846 23788
6 Baurtregaum Slieve Mish Cen 849.7 71, EW-DE 85 Q74986 07665
7 Slieve Donard Mourne Mountains E 849 29 77 J35796 27690
8 Mullaghcleevaun Wicklow NW 846.7 56, AWW, EW-WW 75 O06762 07044
9 Brandon Peak Brandon Group S 840 70, EW-DC, EW-DW 94 Q47207 09481
10 Mangerton Mangerton Cen 838.2 78, EW-KNP 79 V98034 80782
11 Caherconree Slieve Mish Cen 835 71, EW-DE 88 Q73317 07260
12 Purple Mtn Purple Mountain Cen 832 78, EW-KNP, EW-R 90 V88640 85172
13 Beenoskee Central Dingle N 826 70, EW-DC 92 Q58062 08879
14 Lyracappul Galty Mountains W 824.9 74, EW-G 90 R84561 23177
15 Tonelagee Wicklow N Cen 815.8 56, AWW, EW-LG, EW-WW 80 O08502 01591
16 Mweelrea Mweelrea W 814 37, MSW 93 L78983 66810
17 Nephin East Mayo NW 806 23, 31 83 G10348 07976
18 Ben Lugmore Mweelrea W 803 37, MSW 96 L81173 67379
19 Greenane Galty Mountains Cen 801.3 74, EW-G 75 R92506 23936
20 Mount Leinster Blackstairs Mountains N 794.4 68, EW-B, EW-B2 75 S82656 52533
21 Knockmealdown Knockmealdown Mountains Cen 792.4 74, EW-K 79 S05797 08410
22 Kilclooney Mtn Comeragh Mountains Cen 792 75, EW-C 83 S31690 10508
23 Stumpa Dúloigh Dunkerron Mountains NE 784 78, EW-R 95 V78696 79381
24 Temple Hill Galty Mountains W 783.1 74, EW-G 87 R83334 21837
25 Mullaghanattin Dunkerron Mountains Cen 773 78, EW-R 94 V73872 77276
26 Coomacarrea Glenbeigh Horseshoe Cen 772 78, 83 91 V61131 82528
27 Barrclashcame Sheeffry Hills W 772 37, MSW 90 L84951 69515
28 Slieve Commedagh Mourne Mountains N 767 29 82 J34610 28616
29 Croagh Patrick Croagh Patrick N 764 30, CBE, MSW 69 L90584 80197
30 Masatiompan Brandon Group N 761.9 70, EW-DC, EW-DW 93 Q46535 14547
31 Camenabologue Wicklow W 758 56, AWW, EW-LG, EW-WW 73 T02321 95992
32 Kippure Dublin S 757 56, AWW, EW-DM, EW-WW 57 O11582 15455
33 Knockanaffrin Comeragh Mountains Cen 755 75, EW-C 82 S28560 15290
34 Beann Dunkerron Mountains Cen 752 78 89 V72594 76461
35 Errigal Derryveagh Mountains Cen 751 1 80 B92825 20778
36 Slieve Binnian Mourne Mountains E 745.9 29 85 J32055 23314
37 Broaghnabinnia Dunkerron Mountains NE 745 78, EW-R 97 V80163 81388
38 Slieve Bearnagh Mourne Mountains N 739 29 89 J31316 28034
39 Conavalla Wicklow Cen 734 56, AWW, EW-LG, EW-WW 72 T03970 97153
40 Blackstairs Mtn Blackstairs Mountains S 732.1 68, EW-B, EW-B2 82 S81059 44833
41 Benbaun Twelve Bens E 729 37, EW-CON 91 L78558 53903
42 Djouce Wicklow NE 725.5 56, AWW, EW-DM, EW-WE, EW-WW 58 O17900 10300
43 Seefingan Dublin S 722.9 56, AWW, EW-DM 65 O08667 16980
44 Slieve Carr Nephin Begs NW 721 23, EW-WNN 90 F91494 14500
45 Slievenamon South East Midlands S 720.2 67 64 S29857 30729
46 Gravale Wicklow NW 719.0 56, AWW, EW-DM, EW-WW 72 O10490 09421
47 Corranabinnia Nephin Begs Cen 716 30, EW-WNS 95 F90308 03166
48 Meenteog Glenbeigh Horseshoe Cen 715 78, 83 93 V63794 82658
49 Bencorr Twelve Bens SE 711 37, EW-CON 96 L81166 52200
50 Knockboy West Cork Mountains NW 704.8 85 76 W00482 62058
51 Moanbane Wicklow NW 703 56, AWW, EW-WW 68 O03333 06886
52 Slievelamagan Mourne Mountains E 702.2 29 85 J32887 26032
53 Binn idir an dá Log Maamturks S 702.0 37, EW-CON 94 L88816 52823
54 Slieve Meelbeg Mourne Mountains N 701.9 29 77 J30076 27913
55 Ben Gorm Mweelrea E 700 37, EW-CON, MSW 94 L86227 65242
56 Birreencorragh Nephin Begs E 698 23, 31, EW-WNS 91 G02455 05008
57 Bencollaghduff Twelve Bens SE 696 37, EW-CON 97 L79782 52992
58 The Paps East Derrynasaggart W 694 79 85 W13323 85542
59 Caoinkeen West Cork Mountains NW 692.8 85 90 W01039 64554
60 Keeper Hill Midlands SW W 691.6 59 66 R82394 66704
61 Benbreen Twelve Bens SE 691 37, EW-CON 95 L78311 51547
62 The Paps West Derrynasaggart W 690 79 89 W12502 85525
63 Knocknadobar Iveragh NW N 690 83 86 V50648 84513
64 Croaghaun Achill & Corraun NW 688 22, 30, EW-ACC 96 F55960 06093
65 Slieve Meelmore Mourne Mountains N 687 29 78 J30594 28702
66 Knockmoyle Dunkerron Mountains Cen 682.1 78, 83 85 V66511 74978
67 Maumtrasna Partry & Joyce Cen 682 38, EW-CON, MSW 85 L96089 63742
68 Hungry Hill Caha Mountains Cen 682 84 90 V76088 49726
69 Caherbarnagh Derrynasaggart N 681 79 77 W19164 87170
70 Colly Glenbeigh Horseshoe S 679 78, 83 86 V65073 80762
71 Sawel Sperrin Mountains NW Cen 678 13 82 H61796 97305
72 Slieve Snaght Derryveagh Mountains Cen 678 1 92 B92361 14815
73 Derryclare Twelve Bens SE 677 37, EW-CON 92 L81509 51048
74 An Bheann Mhór Dunkerron Mountains Cen 674.7 83, 84 86 V59358 68348
75 Knocknagantee Dunkerron Mountains Cen 674.3 78, 83 91 V66795 72991
76 Croaghgorm Bluestack Mountains S 674 11 93 G94835 89587
77 Lavagh More Bluestack Mountains SW 671 11 95 G93537 91012
78 Slievemore Achill & Corraun N 671 22, 30, EW-ACC 88 F65034 08669
79 Slievanea NE Top Central Dingle W 670.7 70, EW-DC, EW-DW 89 Q51586 06367
80 Slieve Muck Mourne Mountains Cen 670.4 29 83 J28109 24993
81 Muckish Derryveagh Mountains N 667.1 2 83 C00448 28709
82 Letterbreckaun Maamturks N 667 37, EW-CON 92 L85652 55093
83 Finnararagh Dunkerron Mountains Cen 667 78 93 V69686 73720
84 Knocknafallia Knockmealdown Mountains Cen 666.5 74, EW-K 81 S09418 07495
85 Cuilcagh Breifne N 666 26, 27A 79 H12356 28017
86 Coomura Mtn Dunkerron Mountains Cen 666 78, 83 94 V67722 75178
87 Bengower Twelve Bens SE 664 37, EW-CON 91 L78301 50644
88 Sugarloaf Hill Knockmealdown Mountains Cen 662.7 74, EW-K 71 S03971 10479
89 Croaghanmoira Wicklow S 662.3 62, AWW, EW-LG 74 T09921 86502
90 Binn Mhór Maamturks S 660.6 44, EW-CON 88 L91841 49350
91 Knockowen Caha Mountains Cen 660.3 84 87 V80863 55386
92 Beenmore Glenbeigh Horseshoe Cen 660 83 91 V59641 86791
93 Chimney Rock Mtn Mourne Mountains E 656 29 86 J36408 25721
94 Cove Mtn Mourne Mountains E 654.8 29 78 J33661 27080
95 Muckanaght Twelve Bens E 654 37, EW-CON 93 L76783 54084
96 Knockshanahullion Knockmealdown Mountains W 653.3 74, EW-K 71 R99951 10440
97 Keadeen Mtn Wicklow W 653 62, AWW, EW-LG 78 S95394 89764
98 Dooish Derryveagh Mountains Cen 651.5 6 91 B98215 21036
99 Crohane Mangerton NE 650 79, EW-KNP 84 W04972 82969
100 Mullaghanish Derrynasaggart SE 649 79 48 W21461 81775
* Location: If you enter a home location in Settings (top right) this listing will tell you how far each summit or place is from home. You will need to click Add Distance Column in the Map Options
* Mapsheets: The mapsheet column details paper maps that we are aware of that include any given place. The Irish ones listed above and starting with a digit such as "7" or "87" are OSi-Tailte or OSNI-L&PS 1:50k mapsheets and they are 1, 2, 6, 11, 13, 22, 23, 26, 27A, 29, 30, 31, 37, 38, 44, 56, 59, 62, 67, 68, 70, 71, 74, 75, 78, 79, 83, 84, 85
The others are AWW: (OS Wicklow Mapping Extent); CBE: (OSI Clew Bay E 1:25k); EW-ACC: EastWest (Achill & Corraun, Clare Island (Clare Isl)); EW-B: EastWest (Blackstairs (Southern)); EW-B2: EastWest (Blackstairs & Mount Leinster); EW-C: EastWest (Comeragh); EW-CON: EastWest (Connemara); EW-DC: EastWest (Dingle Central); EW-DE: EastWest (Dingle East); EW-DM: EastWest (Dublin Mountains); EW-DW: EastWest (Dingle West); EW-G: EastWest (Galtee); EW-K: EastWest (Knockmealdown); EW-KNP: EastWest (Killarney National Park); EW-LG: EastWest (Lugnaquillia & Glendalough); EW-R: EastWest (The Reeks); EW-WE: EastWest (Wicklow East); EW-WNN: EastWest (Wild Nephin (Northern)); EW-WNS: EastWest (Wild Nephin (Southern)); EW-WW: EastWest (Wicklow West); MSW: (OSI Mayo S&W 1:25k);
* Language preference for place names was set to English for this list. Change in Settings, top right.

Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.