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Irish mountains of 100-400m with prominence of 100m (484 in list)

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Shorter Irish Lists
Larger Irish Lists
British Lists
Comprehensive Lists
Summits of Binnions
1 Donald's Hill Keenaght 399 8 65 C74300 17300
2 Muskeagh Hill Wicklow S 398.2 62, AWW, EW-WS 55 T01152 72961
3 Belmore Mtn Fermanagh & South Tyrone W 398 17 71 H13800 41700
4 Knockastumpa Caha Mountains Cen 398 84 86 V78975 56597
5 Saggart Hill Dublin S 396.9 50, AWW, EW-DM 33 O01673 22877
6 Burren East Mayo W 396 31 50 M12715 99613
7 Loughermore Keenaght 396 7 61 C58900 15700
8 Lackavrea Maamturks S 396 45 79 L98355 49519
9 Farbreiga East Mayo NW 395 31 62 G17023 02582
10 Knocknaskereighta Iveragh NW SW 395 83 67 V40764 71037
11 Bohaun Partry & Joyce N 393 38 70 M07562 74592
12 Banagher Hill Bluestack Mountains S 392 11 64 G94900 85800
13 Slievegarran Mourne Mountains N 391 20 64 J31632 42346
14 Mount Hillary Boggeragh Mountains N 391 80 48 W42527 95648
15 Slievecallan West Clare S 391 57 63 R14422 77362
16 Croughaun Hill Comeragh Mountains Cen 391 75 70 S37942 11019
17 Knockakishaun Croagh Patrick S 390 37, MSW 79 L86900 75800
18 Glengesh Hill Donegal SW NE 390 10 71 G70195 88728
19 Preban Hill Wicklow S 389 62, AWW, EW-WS 43 T08602 79156
20 Laghta Eighter Hill Sheeffry Hills E 388 37, MSW 89 L85114 74022
21 Bullaunmore Nephin Begs E 388 23, 31, EW-WNS G00700 08600
22 Falleennafinoga Midlands SW SE 388 65, 66 39 R94644 55944
23 Tullybrack Fermanagh & South Tyrone W 386 17 57 H09000 45800
24 Miskish Mtn Slieve Miskish N 386 84 76 V64300 47900
25 Knockanoughanish Caha Mountains N 386 84 82 V80100 59900
26 Binevenagh Keenaght 385 4 82 C69200 30200
27 Cloghnagaune Wicklow W 385 62, EW-LG 39 S92586 88916
28 Croaghleheen Bluestack Mountains N 385 11 71 B87900 03300
29 Craignamaddy Sperrin Mountains SW Cen 385 13 60 H52200 89500
30 Cionn Bheatha Donegal Central SW 384 6 88 C01400 18500
31 Oughtmore Sperrin Mountains SE 382 13 48 H72423 83762
32 Gruggandoo Mourne Mountains W 382 29 51 J20075 25556
33 Baltinglass Hill Wicklow W 382 61 54 S88505 89280
34 Derrygarriff West Top Mangerton SW 382 78, EW-KNP, EW-R 61 V85728 77075
35 Carrick Mtn Wicklow SE 381 56, AWW, EW-WE, EW-WSE 59 T23262 94066
36 Black Hill Antrim Hills S 381 9 62 D32925 10745
37 Burren Boggeragh Mountains S 380 79 55 W37663 78946
38 Slieve Beagh Fermanagh & South Tyrone S 380 18 64 H52385 43639
39 Maumakeogh North Mayo E 379 23 50 G03703 36823
40 Carnanmore Antrim Hills N 379 5 59 D21789 38776
41 Teevnabinnia Mweelrea W 379 37, EW-CON, MSW 83 L82554 64167
42 Cappaghabaun Mtn East East Clare N 378 52 63 R67781 92218
43 Knocknagallaun Slieve Miskish N 376 84 93 V58400 47200
44 Beentee Iveragh NW Cen 376 83 63 V47600 78100
45 Derrynafulla SW Caha Mountains E 375 85 69 V88800 54780
46 Croaghacullion Donegal SW NW 374 10 62 G57047 86982
47 Brickany Central Dingle S 374 71, EW-DC, EW-DE 79 Q63200 02200
48 Crocknagapple Dartry Mountains NE 372 16 61 G88777 44361
49 Glenbeg East Partry & Joyce Cen 372 38 74 M03615 59955
50 Grinlieve Inishowen NE 371 3 68 C48957 38427
51 Slievekirk Sperrin Mountains NW 370 7 59 C45180 08338
52 Benaughlin Breifne N 370 26 64 H17791 31439
53 Knocklettercuss North Mayo S 370 23, EW-WNN 79 F87598 19814
54 Slievenamuck Galty Mountains N 369 66, EW-G 52 R84216 30574
55 Fear Breagach Ballyhoura Mountains Cen 369 73 38 R70781 20201
56 Culliagh SE Top Donegal East NW 369 6, 11 43 C08165 02048
57 Bleanbeg Midlands SW W 368 59 63 R79075 63872
58 Mount Kennedy Wicklow NE 365.9 56, AWW, EW-WE 37 O24244 04658
59 Croghan South East Midlands SE 365 68 30 S66346 45538
60 Coppanagh South East Midlands SE 365 68 46 S65120 43466
61 Carrigatuke Gullion N 365 28 42 H90356 32107
62 Altnapaste Bluestack Mountains Cen 364 6, 11 80 H04500 96000
63 Cark Mtn Donegal East NW 364 6, 11 31 C08256 04316
64 Knockalla Donegal North E 363 2 76 C23592 34284
65 Letter South Dunkerron Mountains E 362 78 71 V86000 73500
66 Gowlbeg Mtn Caha Mountains E 362 85 64 V89033 52798
67 Ardnageeha Ballyhoura Mountains Cen 361.8 73 48 R68724 19773
68 Castlequin Iveragh NW N 361 83 68 V47000 82100
69 Crockkinnagoe South Donegal & West Tyrone Cen 361 12 54 H12500 72400
70 Keshcorran Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew W 359 25 77 G71280 12624
71 Cashlaundrumlahan East Clare N 358 52 36 M58620 04790
72 Shannavara South Connemara N 358 45 71 L93334 43718
73 Gartan Mtn Donegal Central SW 357 6 76 C05000 20800
74 Lakeen Wicklow S 357 62, AWW 42 S97636 71092
75 Craigcannon Donegal North E 357 2 58 C24424 30273
76 Knockanaskill Dunkerron Mountains E 356 78 55 V83439 71782
77 Tully Mtn West Connemara N 356 37 74 L67272 61173
78 Mount Foley Glenbeigh Horseshoe W 355 83 60 V57400 87800
79 Crusline North Kerry S 355 71 34 Q89720 18930
80 Milane Hill West Cork Mountains S Cen 354.4 85, 89 39 W16850 49868
81 Cnoc Mordáin South Connemara Cen 354 44 79 L86408 37770
82 Ballyarthur Hill Ballyhoura Mountains E 353.3 73, EW-G 41 R78951 17774
83 Big Collin Antrim Hills S 353 9, 14 56 J23248 96638
84 Knocknabrone Hill MacGillycuddy's Reeks N 353 78, EW-R 64 V75712 86812
85 Knockadullaun Knockmealdown Mountains S 352.2 74, EW-K 50 R96960 04067
86 Mulmosog Mtn Donegal SW NE 351 10 47 G74146 86706
87 Clomantagh Hill South East Midlands W Cen 349 60 56 S33268 65496
88 Crockmore Donegal Central NE 349 2 74 C10129 25914
89 Cloonagh Ox Mountains N 349 25 43 G55000 27200
90 Crotlieve Mtn Mourne Mountains W 347 29 45 J21000 23944
91 Knocknasilloge South Connemara N 346 45 66 M01239 39728
92 Seefin Mizen/Sheeps Head NW 345 88 79 V82400 39700
93 Bolaght Mtn South Donegal & West Tyrone E 345 12 59 H25900 76600
94 Knockanimpaha West Limerick W 344 64 36 R21630 34628
95 Slieve Elva West Clare NW 344 51 72 M15059 04415
96 Seskin Wicklow S 344 62, AWW 46 S95984 72718
97 Legg Fermanagh & South Tyrone W 343 17 36 H06914 56820
98 Little Sugar Loaf Wicklow NE 342.4 56, AWW, EW-WE 58 O26071 14480
99 Dunranhill Wicklow NE 342 56, AWW, EW-WE 43 O26198 02253
100 Tawnaghmore North Mayo N 340 23 64 F95964 39539
101 Knocknamuck South East Midlands W Cen 340 67 44 S31756 54923
102 Dooish South Donegal & West Tyrone E 340 18 57 H31500 69800
103 Cornasaus North East Midlands NE 339 35 40 N72184 95989
104 Corbally Hill Midlands SW NW 339 59 41 R76205 78279
105 Caher Mtn Mizen/Sheeps Head NW 338 88 77 V79354 37929
106 Keady Mtn Keenaght 337 4, 8 43 C72910 24174
107 Knocknaman Slieve Bloom W 337 54 29 N20242 03557
108 Binswilly Donegal Central SW 337 6 50 C01800 10200
109 Knockmore Achill & Corraun S 337 30, EW-ACC 74 L69023 99360
110 Ballinacorbeg Wicklow NE 336 56, AWW, EW-WE, EW-WW 49 O18484 00276
111 Gregory Hill Donegal East NW 336 6 50 C11618 12412
112 Clogrennan Hill South East Midlands E 336 61 39 S66881 74090
113 Crocknamoghil Sperrin Mountains SW Cen 335 13 46 H57900 85100
114 Slieve Fyagh North Mayo S 335 23 48 F91976 28374
115 Eagles Nest Purple Mountain SW 334 78, EW-KNP, EW-R 90 V92100 83700
116 Oughty Hill Croagh Patrick S 333 38, MSW 43 L93095 75700
117 Letterettrin Twelve Bens N 333 37, EW-CON, MSW 76 L79563 62022
118 Derkbeg Hill Bluestack Mountains NW 332 11 71 G82944 98837
119 Slieveroe Wicklow NW 332 56, AWW, EW-WW 38 N95283 14137
120 Fossy Mtn South East Midlands N Cen 332 61 26 S55799 88536
121 Benmore Achill & Corraun NW 332 22, 30, EW-ACC 80 F54445 04745
122 Killurly Iveragh NW SW 331 83 52 V40674 67296
123 Meenamaddo Ox Mountains Cen 330 24 55 G42635 21945
124 Knockatagglemore East Kerry S 330 79 57 W01627 98147
125 Knockatee Caha Mountains N 330 84 88 V77500 60400
126 Slieve Alp Nephin Begs NW 329 23, EW-WNN 68 F86587 13152
127 Crocknasmug Inishowen NE 327.5 3, 4 51 C65775 43948
128 Knocknarea Ox Mountains N 327 16, 25 64 G62610 34586
129 Slievecarran West Clare NE 326 52 77 M32476 05446
130 Maum Donegal SW 325 10 64 G65290 89356
131 Crockavishane Inishowen NE 322 3 43 C56770 39725
132 Tooreen Boggeragh Mountains N 322 79 41 W38284 94033
133 Tristia East Mayo NW 322 23, 31 48 G07258 09509
134 Crockdooish Sperrin Mountains N 321 7 54 C52964 02459
135 Bricklieve Mtns Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew W 321 25 60 G75334 11729
136 Slieve Glah North East Midlands N Cen 320 27A, 34 44 H46182 00817
137 Coumsallahaun Midlands SW NE 320 59 36 R95195 66689
138 Carnearny Antrim Hills S 319 14 30 J17644 92707
139 Pookeen North Top West Cork Mountains S Cen 319 85, 89 50 W15700 52000
140 Lateeve Dingle West N 318 70, EW-DW 64 Q39999 03484
141 Brougher Mtn Fermanagh & South Tyrone Cen 317 18 44 H34931 52793
142 Mullyash Mtn North East Midlands NE 317 28 46 H86847 26128
143 Cullenagh Mtn South East Midlands N Cen 317 60 56 S49855 89565
144 Knocknafreaghane Dunkerron Mountains SW 316.5 78 64 V74129 70362
145 Gleninagh Mtn West Clare NW 316.1 51 83 M17900 09500
146 Cumber Hill Slieve Bloom W 316 54 50 N18885 02159
147 Knockmannon Hill South East Midlands W Cen 315.0 60 33 S37920 70983
148 Gibbet Hill Wexford N 315 68, 69 44 S94684 59126
149 Crovehy Derryveagh Mountains S 315 1 B82800 11400
150 Bloody Foreland Donegal NW N 314 1 68 B83368 32280
151 Slievemore Fermanagh & South Tyrone NE 314 18 43 H59344 61596
152 Carricktriss Gorse South East Midlands S 314 75 48 S48312 29103
153 Knocknamaddree Mizen/Sheeps Head SW 313 88 76 V79010 29869
154 Stranisk Fermanagh & South Tyrone Cen 312 18 21 H42845 55879
155 Tinoran Hill Wicklow W 312 55 35 S85248 90536
156 Mouldy Hill Inishowen S 312 2, 7 69 C35400 28900
157 Slievetrue Belfast Hills N 312 15 43 J34666 89120
158 Carrigfadda West Cork Mountains S 311.7 86, 89 62 W24242 43067
159 Cashel Hill South Connemara N 311 44 75 L80036 43672
160 Inchanadreen West Cork Mountains S Cen 310 85 50 W19100 53500
161 Croaghloughdivna Donegal SW NW 310 10 67 G57599 83745
162 Slievenaglogh Cooley Mountains S 310 36, EW-CLY 70 J13679 08759
163 Knocknagur Maamturks S 310 38, EW-CON 79 L92500 53200
164 Woodcock Hill East Clare S 310 58 53 R52263 63439
165 An Bheann Mhór Dunkerron Mountains SW 309.3 83, 84 86 V65537 64645
166 Knockanuarha East Clare S 309 58 62 R53540 69824
167 Croslieve Gullion SE 308 28, 29 73 J00220 16425
168 Knockchree Mourne Mountains S 306 29 57 J27107 17088
169 Keeraunnageeragh South Connemara N 305 45 63 M05042 47462
170 Larkfield Dartry Mountains SE 305 16, 26 46 G88816 35179
171 Derrineanig West Cork Mountains N 304 85 59 W19769 69545
172 Glinsk North Mayo N 304 23 75 F94819 42044
173 Beenarourke Dunkerron Mountains SW 304 83, 84 71 V50187 60470
174 Aillwee West Clare NW 304 51 73 M25546 05444
175 Gouladane Mizen/Sheeps Head NW 303 85, 88 71 V86800 42100
176 Straid Hill Sperrin Mountains N 303 7 36 C59091 03816
177 Carronadavderg Comeragh Mountains SW 301 82 39 X17416 87012
178 Cloghercor South Bluestack Mountains NW 301 11 B85500 00100
179 Knockafeehane Central Dingle S 301 71, EW-DC, EW-DE 57 Q61600 01400
180 Derrylahard East Mizen/Sheeps Head NE 301 85, 88 54 V98300 41100
181 Errisbeg South Connemara W 300 44 76 L69763 40146
182 Cregganconroe Sperrin Mountains SE 300 13 36 H66474 75373
183 Gortnagan Beg MacGillycuddy's Reeks NW 298 78, EW-R 71 V72100 88500
184 Carrigeen Hill Wicklow W 298 61 21 S84054 88923
185 Cregg Twelve Bens Cen 297 37, EW-CON 50 L71543 52416
186 Crucknaree East Mayo NW 297 31 50 G13880 01856
187 Carrigadoon Hill South East Midlands S 296.9 75 41 S40300 28900
188 Cashloura West Cork Mountains S Cen 296.8 85, 89 54 W20914 48598
189 Mount Kid Mizen/Sheeps Head NE 296.1 85, 88 54 W03988 40498
190 Eagle Hill Wicklow S 296 62, AWW 54 S97150 79020
191 Slieveacarnane Mourne Mountains W 296 29 41 J15686 24255
192 Coolsnaghtig West Cork Mountains S Cen 295.8 85 61 W20686 55014
193 Sheean North Mayo S 295 23, EW-WNN 57 F90033 19738
194 Pollnalaght South Donegal & West Tyrone E 293 12 55 H37100 70800
195 Killerry Mtn Ox Mountains N 292.9 25 88 G75109 31695
196 Tory Hill South East Midlands S 292 75, 76 62 S59612 22188
197 Croaghmore Dingle West W 292 70 83 V24619 95806
198 Coolcross Hill Inishowen NW 291 3 71 C40400 47000
199 Knocknalee South Connemara N 291 45 63 M11845 36983
200 Taghart South North East Midlands NE 290 35 21 H73094 00484
201 Knockfeerina West Limerick E 288 65 60 R45130 36144
202 Ballyhook Hill Wicklow W 288 55 30 S88167 94569
203 Clearagh Hill West Cork Mountains E 287 86 33 W36231 64573
204 Cappagh Mtn Fermanagh & South Tyrone NE 286 19 36 H67844 66431
205 Knocknanacree Central Dingle S 286 70, EW-DC 70 V57213 99845
206 Corrymailley Hill Mweelrea W 286 37, MSW 61 L76753 71907
207 Tievereivagh Achill & Corraun S 286 30, CBW, EW-ACC 79 L71000 95800
208 Aroher Hill Nephin Begs Cen 285 23, 31, EW-WNS 64 F96085 06996
209 Stragraddy Mtn Donegal Central NE 285 2 61 C08263 24554
210 Corbally Hill South East Midlands S 285 75 27 S50110 24814
211 Mongorry Hill Donegal East N 284 6 37 C24291 05065
212 Mount Corrin Mizen/Sheeps Head NE 284 88 64 V94182 39020
213 Faranaree Hill South East Midlands S 283 67 25 S38706 34960
214 Shrone Hill Caha Mountains E 283 85 86 V91112 55293
215 Drumnalough Hill Bluestack Mountains NW 282 11 G84700 94900
216 Knocknaveagh West Cork Mountains W 282.0 85 50 W01568 47512
217 Crockalough Inishowen N 282 3 70 C46100 56800
218 Sheeanmore Nephin Begs NW 282 23, 30, EW-WNN 81 F87472 09834
219 Slievenalargy Mourne Mountains N 280 29 63 J29770 35554
220 Barranisky Wicklow SE 280 62, AWW, EW-WS, EW-WSE 48 T25652 79028
221 Meenseefin South Donegal & West Tyrone Cen 280 11 54 H04441 71146
222 Cloghermore South Connemara N 280 45 55 M04730 36724
223 Lettertrask Nephin Begs Cen 279 23, 31, EW-WNN F97107 09527
224 Duntryleague Hill Ballyhoura Mountains N 278 73 44 R78100 28329
225 Corn Hill North East Midlands W 278 34 40 N18768 84218
226 Croaghmore Donegal Central NE 278 2 57 C14300 31500
227 Topped Mtn Fermanagh & South Tyrone Cen 277 18 38 H31133 45755
228 Eglish Sperrin Mountains N 277 7 43 C50494 04310
229 Slieve Na Calliagh North East Midlands Cen 276 42 58 N58617 77580
230 Mount Alto South East Midlands S 276 68, 76 50 S63061 35072
231 Knocknashee Ox Mountains Cen 276 25 60 G55600 19200
232 Larganmore Ox Mountains Cen 276 24, 31 57 G30786 08045
233 Carrickgollogan Dublin S 275.2 50, AWW, EW-DM 55 O23123 20062
234 Croaghmuckros Donegal SW S 275 10 55 G62443 74942
235 Curra Hill Glenbeigh Horseshoe N 275 78 70 V65433 90354
236 Killelan Mtn Iveragh NW N 275 83 89 V41500 80800
237 Reenconnell Dingle West N 274 70, EW-DW 63 Q41325 06798
238 Slieve Daeane Ox Mountains 273.1 25 67 G71190 29942
239 Cappanalaurabaun South Connemara N 273 45 71 M02394 47740
240 Currywongaun Twelve Bens N 273 37, EW-CON 77 L73100 59600
241 Corronoher West Limerick E 272.1 65 34 R40990 31063
242 Slievenaslat Mourne Mountains N 272 29 55 J33065 37610
243 Croaghrimkarra Partry & Joyce N 271 38, MSW 64 M04709 72190
244 Knockanamadane Dunkerron Mountains SW 270 84 75 V71934 66545
245 Curradrolan Hill Sperrin Mountains N 270 7 43 C48143 01267
246 Westaston Hill Wicklow SE 270 62, AWW, EW-WSE 29 T23720 87226
247 Kilmichael Hill Wexford N 269.3 62 36 T09812 63200
248 Carrafull North Mayo S 269 23 60 F87067 24678
249 Cornaclea Hill Achill & Corraun NW 269 22, 30, EW-ACC 77 F60700 07500
250 Slievecoiltia Wexford SW 268.5 76 60 S72794 21327
251 Ballaghmore Hill South East Midlands N Cen 268 55 33 S58654 93754
252 Knockaughna Mizen/Sheeps Head NE 268 88 57 V89450 36580
253 Bunnanimma North East Midlands NE 268 28 33 H71836 14618
254 Derrin Fermanagh & South Tyrone Cen 268 18 21 H33600 49000
255 Ben Dash West Clare S 267 57 29 R21180 71178
256 Knockanallig Caha Mountains S 267 84, 88 80 V70400 43100
257 Croaghleconnell Derryveagh Mountains S 266 11 50 B84100 05700
258 Dooish Mtn Donegal East N 266 6, 7 43 C29973 10723
259 Geokaun Iveragh NW SW 266 83 51 V38643 77048
260 Knockanore North Kerry N 265.5 63 38 Q91005 42559
261 Coolnahau Hill South East Midlands S 265 67, 76 26 S59788 30393
262 Tievecrom Gullion SE 264 29 70 J02386 15356
263 Knockagreenan Boggeragh Mountains S 263 80 36 W40260 73873
264 Slieve Carn East Mayo S 262 31 69 M29700 88100
265 Slieve Bawn North West Midlands E 262 40 40 M95476 74312
266 Hewson Hill South East Midlands N Cen 261 55 30 S52276 96497
267 Dereenavurrig Hill Dunkerron Mountains SW 261 83, 84 81 V66700 64200
268 Tievenanass North East Midlands N Cen 261 35 23 H58258 04878
269 Lackacroghan Slieve Miskish W 260 84 67 V54312 42074
270 Holywell Hill Inishowen S 260 7 41 C38500 17100
271 Barnacuillew North Mayo Cen 260 22 38 F81052 37530
272 Bruse Hill North East Midlands NW Cen 260 34 58 N31683 98088
273 Croaghglengad Inishowen N 259 3 50 C51153 53599
274 Slieveboy Sperrin Mountains N 259 7 36 C55943 03342
275 Knockbrin Donegal East NW 259 6 40 C18652 15442
276 Mullaghmeen North East Midlands Cen 258 41 52 N46924 79379
277 Corballis Hill Wicklow W 258 61 26 S82296 87394
278 Breesy Hill South Donegal & West Tyrone S 258 17 61 G97681 63702
279 Inchimore Mangerton Cen 256 78 39 V92200 73700
280 Benwee Head North Mayo N 255 22 78 F81565 44279
281 Curlew Mtns Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew SW 255 33 38 G74893 04781
282 Leam Hill South Connemara N 253 45 61 M03400 42600
283 Caponellan Hill South East Midlands W Cen 253 60 39 S40513 74994
284 Tara Hill Wexford NE 253 62 49 T20535 62332
285 Beenmore Central Dingle S 252 70, EW-DC, EW-DW 79 V50223 98761
286 Loughaskerry Donegal Central NE 252 6 43 C09300 20800
287 Cnoc Bólais Slieve Miskish W 252 84 89 V47200 40400
288 Scarriff Island Dunkerron Mountains SW 252 84 89 V44376 55202
289 Croaghnamaddy Donegal North W 252 2 65 C02916 40248
290 Ballydavid Head Dingle West N 251.4 70, EW-DW 83 Q38739 11295
291 Mount Oriel North East Midlands SE 251 36 40 N98164 83284
292 Binnion Inishowen NW 250 3 81 C36924 48921
293 Aghalion Hill North East Midlands Cen 249 35 43 N55065 89099
294 Killeagh Wicklow S 249 62, AWW, EW-WS, EW-WSE 40 T18060 80823
295 Letterlogher Sperrin Mountains N 249 7 43 C58829 07329
296 Croaghegly Donegal NW S 245 1 68 B73600 07300
297 Knocknascollop NW Top North Mayo S 244 22 43 F80129 29787
298 Mullaghmeash Hill Sperrin Mountains N 244 7 43 C62369 07507
299 Coomduff Dunkerron Mountains SW 244 83 50 V54862 70556
300 Bunmore Nephin Begs NW 243 22, EW-WNN 43 F81429 11500
301 Donnell's Hill Comeragh Mountains E 242.8 75 61 S45546 13145
302 Mullaghcroy Sperrin Mountains SW 242 12 32 H33000 81900
303 Carrigoona Commons East Wicklow NE 242 56, AWW, EW-DM, EW-WE 50 O23383 15235
304 Foughill Gullion SE 241 29, EW-CLY 45 J06211 18134
305 Kill Hill South East Midlands W 241 66 27 S14610 43315
306 Greenan Mtn Inishowen S 241 7 50 C36654 19753
307 The Hill of Mael North East Midlands Cen 241 41 39 N45452 76396
308 Abbey Hill West Clare NE 240 51 71 M30111 10372
309 Knockbreteen West Cork Mountains W Cen 239 85 68 W05108 58276
310 Beenmore Dingle West N 239 70, EW-DW 82 Q40167 11822
311 Bray Head Iveragh NW SW 239 83 71 V33420 73715
312 Keelkil Partry & Joyce N 239 38, MSW 36 L98777 74718
313 Ballyroon Mtn Mizen/Sheeps Head NW 239 88 68 V73844 34165
314 Bray Head Hill Wicklow NE 238.9 56, EW-WE 54 O28232 15815
315 Tower Hill Comeragh Mountains E 238 75 46 S44380 18850
316 Collon Hill Wicklow SE 238 62, EW-WSE 56 T30302 86743
317 Knockakeo Nagles Mountains S 238 81 34 W94409 85021
318 Illanmaster North Mayo N 238 23 86 F93217 42806
319 Crockawama Derryveagh Mountains N 238 2 54 C04395 26714
320 Knockaghaleague North Mayo E 237 23 21 G11700 34900
321 Knockaphuca Mizen/Sheeps Head SW 237 88 74 V82370 30750
322 Forth Mtn Wexford S 237 77 42 S98082 19204
323 Derk Hill Midlands SW SW 236 65 41 R75942 41727
324 Knockseefin Midlands SW SW 235 65 38 R75482 45033
325 Killough South East Midlands W 235 66 16 S11172 51253
326 Knockiveagh Mourne Mountains N 235 29 41 J18247 37804
327 Mullaghanoe East Mayo E 234 32 25 M52400 99000
328 Croghan Hill South East Midlands N 234 28A, 48 62 N48105 33113
329 Fahane Mizen/Sheeps Head NW 233 85, 88 V90200 43400
330 Feede Mtn Gullion SE 233 29, EW-CLY 44 J07362 14840
331 Corveagh Partry & Joyce N 233 38, CBE, MSW 46 M02683 77431
332 Carrickbyrne Hill Wexford SW 233 76 56 S83039 24946
333 Dunmurry Hill South East Midlands N 233 28A, 28B, 55 36 N71385 16943
334 Mizen Peak Mizen/Sheeps Head SW 232 88 67 V74547 24710
335 Carrigroe Hill Wexford NE 232 69 40 T09293 49766
336 Carnmoney Hill Belfast Hills N 231.1 15 46 J33225 83054
337 Largy Fermanagh & South Tyrone N 230 17, 18 29 H27361 65694
338 Dunaff Hill Inishowen NW 230 2, 3 81 C30900 48700
339 Barradeegin North Mayo N 229 23 57 F86851 43193
340 Killeigh Hill West Cork Mountains S 229 86, 89 24 W29089 40351
341 Knockmore Blackstairs Mountains N 228 68, EW-B, EW-B2 48 S77653 49666
342 Black Hill Midlands SW NE 228 60 25 S16918 82724
343 Currane Hill West Cork Mountains E 228 86, 89 36 W33814 50200
344 Murren Hill Donegal North E 227 2 61 C21485 42402
345 Cluidaniller West Top Donegal NW W 227 1 68 B65427 15780
346 Bockagh Hill North West Midlands N 227 32 46 M60229 98684
347 Barroe North Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew W 226 25, 26 54 G80290 15493
348 Cotracloghy Gullion SE 225 29 44 J03918 14847
349 Brown Mtn Donegal Central SW 224 6 31 C06156 15051
350 Knockadav South Connemara N 224 45 71 L94168 41620
351 Eagle Hill Slieve Miskish N 223 84 93 V56370 47949
352 Knocknaveen Achill & Corraun SW 223 30, EW-ACC 73 L69871 85477
353 Inch Top Inishowen S 222 2, 7 57 C31348 25280
354 Bouleevin West Clare NE 222 52 80 M33865 02012
355 Muckanagh Hill East Mayo W 220 31 43 M06851 95652
356 Clondermot Hill Sperrin Mountains NW 220 7 45 C43409 12792
357 Meenavally Donegal East S 219 6, 11, 12 43 H17517 97943
358 Callahaniska Glenbeigh Horseshoe N 219 78, EW-R 80 V71041 91304
359 Boheh Hill Croagh Patrick N 219 38, CBE, MSW 43 L98100 79159
360 Hill of Allen South East Midlands N 219 28B, 49 41 N75918 20461
361 Gortmonly Hill Sperrin Mountains NW 218 7 50 C39639 07923
362 Shantemon North East Midlands N Cen 218 27A, 34 33 H46464 07454
363 Croaghan Hill Donegal East S 217 6, 12 61 H29941 97471
364 Skellig Michael Iveragh NW SW 217 , 83X 79 V24600 60600
365 Cairngaver Belfast Hills E 217 15 52 J45433 76564
366 Mucklety Hill Ox Mountains Cen 217 25 39 G54597 14815
367 Kilnamanagh Hill Wicklow SE 217 56, AWW, EW-WSE 36 T24549 90946
368 Maulin Mtn North Kerry W 217 63 59 Q72213 30455
369 Townaloughra East Top Twelve Bens Cen 216 37 71 L68800 54100
370 Long Mtn Antrim Hills W 215 8 38 D00608 18180
371 Knockeyon North East Midlands S Cen 214 41 51 N46582 63915
372 Krinnuck Achill & Corraun N 214 22, 30, EW-ACC 52 F68102 07914
373 Ballyea Hill West Limerick E 214 64 43 R39118 36131
374 Knock Hill East Mayo E 213 32 24 M47100 96450
375 Knockshigowna Midlands SW N 212 53 36 S00342 95806
376 Kilmacomma Hill Comeragh Mountains N 211 74, EW-C 43 S17911 20319
377 Carrowrevagh Croagh Patrick S 210 38, MSW 36 L96810 75620
378 Knockshanawee South Cork N 209 86 21 W45445 68859
379 Tullyhappy Gullion N 209 29 24 J03700 32100
380 Newtown Hill South East Midlands E 208 61 29 S75022 65424
381 Ganiamore Donegal North Cen 207 2 60 C11272 40027
382 Knockatassonig Mizen/Sheeps Head SW 207 88 40 V75200 27400
383 Lannimore Hill Antrim Hills N 207 5 33 D04331 43252
384 Cross Slieve Antrim Hills N 206 5 61 D23700 29500
385 Formaoil Iveragh NW SW 206 83 61 V44339 71455
386 Sybil Head Dingle West N 206 70, EW-DW 66 Q31468 06340
387 Disert Caha Mountains S 205 84 57 V65300 42700
388 Gortamullin Dunkerron Mountains E 205 78 57 V88457 72452
389 Knockanes West Clare NE 205 52 79 R32855 97408
390 Knockroe Midlands SW SW 204 65 40 R66002 47643
391 Knocknalarabana West Clare Cen 204 51 41 R08139 94480
392 Cullen Hill Fermanagh & South Tyrone W 201 17 14 H16485 50993
393 Slieveadrohid South Cork S 201 86, 89 36 W43810 50782
394 Tearaght Island Dingle West W 200 , 70 82 V18100 94900
395 Knockastia North East Midlands S 200 48 39 N24537 43380
396 Bawn Mtn North East Midlands W 200 41 31 N18092 67790
397 Slieveward Ox Mountains N 199 25 50 G65725 27235
398 Cruckboeltane North East Midlands S Cen 199 41 46 N43300 62300
399 Newtown Hill South Connemara E 198 45 57 M18388 33902
400 Knockomagh Mizen/Sheeps Head S 197 89 59 W08827 29238
401 Rush Hill East Mayo S 197 31 43 M24294 88597
402 Carranarah East Mayo N 197 31 55 G28600 02900
403 Knockscagh West Cork Mountains S 195 89 40 W19840 39963
404 Lacken Hill Wexford SW 193 76 62 S75996 28157
405 Edenacarnan Donegal Central NE 192 6 39 C14024 17348
406 Lettershinna Hill South Connemara N 192 44 62 L83118 43257
407 Knockninny Hill Breifne NE 191 27 45 H27337 30147
408 Binnion Hill Donegal East N 190 6, 7 19 C32524 05627
409 Lugganammer North East Midlands NW 190 34 29 N18796 98186
410 Cloontohil West Clare S 190 57 25 R27283 82888
411 Inishturk (1) Mayo Islands 189.3 37 79 L60575 75196
412 Clifden Hill West Clare Cen 189 57 32 R25268 89533
413 Ballyguile Hill Wicklow SE 188 56, EW-WE, EW-WSE 27 T31472 92567
414 Ouley Hill Belfast Hills E 186 20 17 J38322 62605
415 Srahmore Nephin Begs E 186 31, EW-WNS 36 F97345 03143
416 Knockboha North Mayo E 186 23 46 G14866 38690
417 Carhoo Hill Dingle West E 184 70, EW-DW 63 V43800 98300
418 Doolieve South Cork E 182.5 87 36 W68413 59751
419 Srahataggle North Mayo N 182 23 71 F91652 41507
420 Glanarough Hill Slieve Miskish W 181 84 V52300 40500
421 Camaross Hill Wexford S 181 77 30 S88484 26268
422 Oulart Hill Wexford N 179 69 45 T08652 41635
423 Bree Hill Wexford S 179 68, 69, 77 23 S93487 32907
424 Sheemore Arigna & Bricklieve & Curlew SE 178 33 41 G99090 04822
425 Ballydorgan Nagles Mountains N 177 81 37 W89826 97483
426 Trusklieve Donegal NW S 175 10 64 B78900 01800
427 Inishnabro Dingle West W 175 70 82 V21269 93042
428 Gortrumnagh West Connemara S 174 37 57 L62889 51651
429 Soldiers hill Inishowen N 174 3 60 C42465 53987
430 Kinknock Hill Croagh Patrick W 173 30, MSW 55 L84398 80670
431 Carrickleck Hill North East Midlands E 173 35 32 N82538 91750
432 Inishtooskert (2) Dingle West W 172 70 81 Q23354 00825
433 Maumfin West Connemara N 172 37 64 L64716 58860
434 Carrowmore Hill Croagh Patrick W 171 30, MSW 57 L78314 80895
435 Ben of Howth Dublin N 171 50 49 O28548 37620
436 High Bank Donegal East N 171 6 24 C25600 12300
437 Knockarudane Hill West Cork Mountains S 169 89 31 W23961 36016
438 Knockroe North West Midlands SW 168 46 34 M50706 41319
439 Knockma North West Midlands SW 167 46 57 M36160 48374
440 Moydow North West Midlands E 165 40 29 M89129 58262
441 Garravagh North Top South Cork N 164 80, 87 26 W56806 72184
442 Lackenakea Mizen/Sheeps Head SW 164 88 62 V77700 25400
443 Crocknasleigh Donegal North Cen 163 2 70 C12366 42936
444 Reenearagh Dunkerron Mountains SW 162 83, 84 81 V46842 60891
445 Knocknaheeny South Cork N 161 80, 87 20 W65248 73072
446 Derryvour Hill Caha Mountains W 160 84 V64900 54400
447 Cnoicín an tSeabhaic Mizen/Sheeps Head S 160 88 77 V97225 22082
448 Puffin Island Iveragh NW SW 159 83 91 V33952 67746
449 Lick Hill West Cork Mountains S 158 89 48 W11570 30697
450 Dromona Hill Comeragh Mountains SW 156 81 30 X11047 93986
451 Barryroe Hill West Cork Mountains S 156 89 48 W13900 29400
452 Crocknaneeve Donegal NW N 155.9 1 41 B87827 32040
453 Eagle Hill Dunkerron Mountains SW 155 84 64 V54000 57500
454 Porturlin Hill North Mayo N 155 23 76 F89682 42421
455 Knockaglana East Mayo NW 154 31 36 G20183 03310
456 Killiney Hill Dublin S 153.5 50, AWW 44 O26030 25552
457 Drumavohy Hill Donegal North E 153 2 54 C23378 42534
458 Crockdonnelly Donegal North E 152 2 50 C22445 45858
459 Cashelmore Donegal North E 149 2 54 C17100 41001
460 Balloor Hill Croagh Patrick W 147 30, CBW, MSW 36 L82351 81904
461 Knockaunbaun West Connemara N 146 37 61 L60564 59666
462 Deenish Island (2) Dunkerron Mountains SW 144 84 96 V46600 55800
463 Gortnadrehy East Mayo N 143 24, 31 43 G24194 06944
464 Ballincollop Hill South Cork S 141 86, 87 34 W48800 41500
465 Donalds Carn Antrim Hills S 141 9 30 J48036 97150
466 Tormore Island North Donegal SW N 139 10 100 G55500 90800
467 Moveen Hill South Clare SW 136 63 36 Q85720 57495
468 Inishvickillane Dingle West W 135 70 V21100 91100
469 Kilpatrick Antrim Hills N 134 5 57 D13751 51911
470 Aghaglasheen North Mayo W 132 22 55 F72353 35986
471 Skellig Rock Little Iveragh NW SW 131 , 83 V26900 61700
472 Muldersleigh Hill Antrim Hills S 131 15 32 J47954 93825
473 Castlemahon Mtn Belfast Hills SE 128 21 14 J55588 47265
474 Oldtown Hill South Clare SW 127 63 38 Q81400 55000
475 Knockbane Dublin Islands 126 43 82 O31600 51000
476 An Droim Rua (1) Oileáin Árann Cen 123 51, 51A 61 L86142 09709
477 Lettermore South Connemara S 117 44 55 L89125 28564
478 Knocknasullig Dunkerron Mountains SW 117 83, 84 68 V57300 58600
479 Achillbeg Island N Top Achill & Corraun S 109.7 30, CBW, EW-ACC 88 L71468 92757
480 Achillbeg Island S Top Achill & Corraun S 108.5 30, CBW, EW-ACC 86 L71668 92033
481 Brow Head Mizen/Sheeps Head SW 108 88 47 V77741 23837
482 Illanmaster Island North Mayo N 105 23 F93400 43100
483 Moylemore Donegal NW N 102 1 71 B71000 23200
484 Slievemore Mizen/Sheeps Head S 101 88 73 W00900 23900
* Visits: There are 484 places in this list, of which you have visited 0 (0%).
* Location: If you enter a home location in Settings (top right) this listing will tell you how far each summit or place is from home. You will need to click Add Distance Column in the Map Options
* Mapsheets: The mapsheet column details paper maps that we are aware of that include any given place. The Irish ones listed above and starting with a digit such as "7" or "87" are OSi-Tailte or OSNI-L&PS 1:50k mapsheets and they are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 27A, 28, 28A, 28B, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 51A, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 83X, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89
The others are AWW: (OS Wicklow Mapping Extent); CBE: (OSI Clew Bay E 1:25k); CBW: (OSI Clew Bay W 1:25k); EW-ACC: EastWest (Achill & Corraun, Clare Island (Clare Isl)); EW-B: EastWest (Blackstairs (Southern)); EW-B2: EastWest (Blackstairs & Mount Leinster); EW-C: EastWest (Comeragh); EW-CLY: EastWest (Cooley); EW-CON: EastWest (Connemara); EW-DC: EastWest (Dingle Central); EW-DE: EastWest (Dingle East); EW-DM: EastWest (Dublin Mountains); EW-DW: EastWest (Dingle West); EW-G: EastWest (Galtee); EW-K: EastWest (Knockmealdown); EW-KNP: EastWest (Killarney National Park); EW-LG: EastWest (Lugnaquillia & Glendalough); EW-R: EastWest (The Reeks); EW-WE: EastWest (Wicklow East); EW-WNN: EastWest (Wild Nephin (Northern)); EW-WNS: EastWest (Wild Nephin (Southern)); EW-WS: EastWest (Wicklow South); EW-WSE: EastWest (Wicklow South East); EW-WW: EastWest (Wicklow West); MSW: (OSI Mayo S&W 1:25k);
* Language preference for place names was set to English for this list. Change in Settings, top right.

Open Street Map
(Various variations used.)
British summit data courtesy:
Database of British & Irish Hills
Height layer: © MapTiler
MapTiler Logo is a Hill-walking Website for the island of Ireland. 2500 Summiteers, 1480 Contributors, maintainer of lists such as: Arderins, Vandeleur-Lynams, Highest Hundred, County Highpoints.