Donation Request 2024

Members and Supporters, the MountainViews Committee requests your help to meet the costs of the website and of other activities such as insured events or publications.
You do not have to be logged in to donate.

Taking photos for MountainViews

Planning a day's walking on Muckish, 2002

MountainViews shares information about places and routes. Users want pictures that illustrate, inform and show natural beauty for places. You can add pictures to place comments, to forum messages and to shared tracks. You can upload photos of more or less unlimited size in "jpeg" format. These also often end in ".jpg". Photos will be resized for permanent storage and displayed in sizes that suit the webpages they are on. Photos can be taken with digital cameras or mobile phones.

Temporary Technical Info

Mountain Views stores and displays pictures as follows:

Final Maximum height: 600 pixels

Final Maximum width: 800 pixels

Final Maximum sum of height and width: 1400 pixels

For example the following sizes are allowed

  • 600 high X 800 wide
  • 300 high X 800 wide
Too dark and too little contrast.

You can now upload a picture up to around 50 Megapixels, that is the height times width does not exceed 50 million. In the unlikely event that your picture is larger than this, then resize in a photo editor before uploading or you can use an online tool such as (If using set the maximum picture size to 2000 pixels). Any picture outside the final maximums above will be resized to fit. Pictures at or below the maximum size will not be resized.
For best results resize in an editing program which has the added advantage that you may also be able to improve the picture, for example by correcting pictures that have excessive contrast, a notorious issue in upland photography. There is more about improving picture quality later.