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Recent Contributors to MountainViews

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Recent Contributors
The report shows the first 50 Contributors. (Change to 30 50 100 250 All)
for the period including 1 month to current (from 01/09/2024 to 04/10/2024). (Change to 1 month 3 months 12 months)

Name Place
Tracks Track
Forums Bibliography GPS
Ratings Points v
1 chelman7 16 64
2 simon3 1 2 3 1 35
3 Colin Murphy (Colin Murphy) 5 4 32
4 Leatra 1 6 23
5 George Hodgins (Geo) 1 4 20
6 Damian120 15
7 garrettd 1 8
8 Fergalh 1 8
9 TommyMc 1 8
10 TommyV 1 8
11 glencree 1 7
12 monisr 3 6
13 MichaelG55 1 5
14 TheDutchman 1 5
15 jkforde 1 5
16 Aidan Dillon (aidand) 1 1 5
17 Pat Macken (nupat) 1 4
18 Onzy 6 3
19 billbaggins 1 1